Memorial weekend found several RRFF’ers plying the waters of the Sacramento River near Verona for the ever entertaining American shad for three days. Fish were caught every day.
Alan with an AM fish…
Mike with a PM fish…
An evening BS session…
Alan demonstrating the “high stick”…
The AM bite was the best. Yellow Stren flies were the hot bug.
If we stopped there the trip may sound like an awesome fish catching event. As it was, the river was nearly doubled in flows which contributed in holding the water temps at 50* in the AM and about 55* in the PM. Our shad will move in that, but seem VERY reluctant to participate in the game…so FISHING was great. Catching nearly non-existent at ONE fish per day. Two of the three were AM fish and two took yellow. Comradere was peaked and absolutely no problem being on time for some grand vittles. Some time was spent plying for smallies and some time was spent target shooting some great looking LM water to no avail. Baited stripers were being had by others, however they were not receptive to feathers.
Bread was broken together and many laughs were shared. I, for one, had a GRAND time.
…lee s.
That is the perfect way to break a fly rod!
Sounds like a fun trip! I don’t know about targeting shad… must be a regional thing.
Host Ray,
That is exactly what I thought the second I saw that photo. I never grab my fly rod above the handle as I’'ve seen a number of rods broken that way.
Jim Smith