I told a friend of mine that I would help him look for a fly rod that he wants to buy and it is no longer made and may be impossible to fine, but, one never knows until you try. If anyone has one of these or knows where one can be purchased please let me know either by posting or a PM:
Warren- Would your friend be interested in a pre-IPC Legend Ultra 2 piece 8wt 9 1/2 foot rod. If so I have one for sale- $200 plus shipping. It has only been used about 6 times and is in excellent condition. Ron
Thanks for responding. I have forwarded your “Post” to my friend and requested that he get in contact with you. Since my friend is also a member here, he will probably contact you by PM. I hope the 2 of you can get together and make a deal that you both will be happy with.
Have your friend get a hold of Zach Matthews over on the itinerantangler.com. He had one at one time and didn’t care much for it. If he still has it he may be willing to let it go on the cheap.
Thanks for the “lead” for my friend. I have “copied” and forwarded your info to my friend and hopefully, he will find what he is looking for. Thanks for the help…
Personally I find the 2 piece pre-IPC rods to be slightly faster than the IPC rods. I also prefer the guides on the pre-IPC rods- they seem larger. I know I have less problems casting the pre_IPC rods than those that came later. Ron
And I actually prefer the IPC rods, at least in the lower weight. Personal preference I suppose. On a semi-related note. The 8 weight Imperial (new version) is very close in feel to the old pre IPC LU 8 weight.
No, it is not Don. The gentleman is a member here on FAOL and I hope he has checked out the leads that you all have provided.
Don is in Florida, again, fishing the salt which he loves. Last I talked to him he was thinking strongly about purchasing a home in Florida to use when he goes down and keep his boat there which would save on him towing it down and back each time he makes a trip. He has been pretty busy building saltwater fly rods for another gentleman in Florida that has a business and also sells saltwater fly rods. Don is a very good friend and a good guy. I will be sure to let him know that you are still using the vise and that you said “Hi”.