I am probably wanting something in the medium to medium/fast action range. I only have one thing to trade which is a Sage VT2 7’9" 3wt rod.
I am actually trying to sell that rod in a local store but I do not think it will go very fast. If it does sell I will have $250.00 to put towards a new 4wt rod.
Have you looked at the TFO Professional series of rods? I used to have one in a 9’ 4 weight, 4 piece. I’m sorry I ever got rid of it. They’re awesome sticks at a deceptively inexpensive price. Around $150. BTW, my 4 weight also cast a 5 weight like it was meant to.
What I really would like is a Scott A2 series but I know that is hoping a little too much. I have a A2 3wt and I really like everything about it. I also have been looking at some of the Cabela’s rods that seem to have a fairly good rep.
I have a Scott A3 904/4 that is very nice. Another option is is buy a blank and build it or have it built. Madison River fishing Co. has 490/4 VT2 blanks for $160.00. That could be built into a very nice rod for about $250. I bought a VT2 490/4 and a Winston Vapor 905/4. I am very impresed with the Vapor rod and the blank was $99.
Any interest in a Redington RS4 486-4? Bought as a backup rod, fished two or three days on stillwater. Casts well, I have a few of the RS4’s in other weights but I have enough 4wts that I don’t really need this one. PM me if interested in buying this one.