want to buy at half price like the vip's and guides do??!? s

of paying full msrp knowing sales reps and guides are getting %40 -%50 off rods and reels?
well a local board has been given permission by loop to put up their pro guide form already signed. No strings, just mosy on over to the board and download the form and get your %40 off loop evotec reels, plus their new rods and reels. I would say the boards name but wont till I get permission from a moderator. If this post mysteriously disappears I will take that as the moderators not wanting that info posted here…

And please dont IM me asking me for the web site, I wont give it out till a moderator says its ok to post a link to it.

I think this is a profoundly bad idea. THE caveats when getting on a pro deal is that you do not brag about it (which is a bigger problem for some manufacturers that others) and that you do not let others use it. If Loop gave permission to use the pro deal on a local (I presume small) forum, kudos for them. That doesn’t mean that they want everyone from FAOL using it.

I’ll bet that will really make Loop’s retail dealers happy. Good way to slit your own throat as a mfg.