A friends grandfather-in-law left him a Horrocks-Ibbotson 3 piece bamboo fly rod of decided vinatge age. It probably was originally two tipped, but now has only one tip which has about a foot broken off of it and a new tip top installed. Instead of being in a tube, the segments are bound around a grooved tube with tin ends. Most of the guides are missing or have been very amateurishly replaced. The finish is old, but intact and there is no delamination or other broken segments. I doubt it is repairable/rebuildable, but if anyone would like to have it for a project to hang on the wall or donate to a fishing club or museum, send me a PM and I will ship it to you free and pay the shipping cost.
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Thank you and your friend for this opportunity and your generosity. It is deeply appreciated.
It can be repaired. I just takes money. I have resurected many of the described old rods.
true… it isnt beyond repair with a bit of money & time… ive bought some ugly looking rods on ebay just to repair / restore for fishing…