Waited all year!

Every year we plan a 5 to 7 day trip to Henry’s lake and surrounding waters. Last year my trip was cut short due to a death in the family, so I was pumped for this one.
We got here Saturday with winds howling…no pontooning in this!
Sunday, Cloudy and raining with some wind later…got out for some nice fish.
Monday, Wind, cold and rain…some fish but very slow
Tuesday, sunny and warmed later in the day, but fish have been put down so tuff going
Wed…VERY COLD, sleet and wind from H*%$%
Thursday (today) COLD and the wind hasn’t let up all day. I did hook a nice 30 to 32", got to boat and measured but broke off at the sight of the camera.
So, much for my long awaited trip, but…IT HAS BEEN WORTH IT!

Some of the weather:

Spectacular fish. Looks like you had a grand time.

Love this pic!

Hey Joni,

When Mother Nature kicks some bad weather in your face, kick back!

I guess that Minn Kota doesn’t hurt the cause either!:stuck_out_tongue:

Way to go girl! And thanks for sharing the pics.

Best fishes,



I’m glad you were able to get in some fishing despite the weather. Those are very nice cuttbows that you caught!
Thanks for your report!

Great shots. Nice looking fish, and as for the weather, well, I suppose it helped to improve the enjoyment factor of the hot rum and coffee and the fireplace at both ends of the day! Well, maybe not all of that at both ends of the day. Afterall, you can’t leave a fireplace unattended while out for the day! :slight_smile:

  • Jeff

Been on that lake; enjoyed damn near all I could stand. Go it girl, go it… :slight_smile:

Joni -

Looks a lot nastier up there than it has been down here this week.

That is one COOL pic of you out in the “cloud cover” !! Fish ain’t bad either.

Glad you had a good time.


Awesome fish and weather, looks like a big lake…

Here is a diagram of Henry’s Lake;http://www.wildroseranch.com/images/henlkmap.jpg
Would you mind telling me what area(s) you fished?
Henry’s Lake opening day 08;http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.wildroseranch.com/Fishing/Images/2008/DSCF1059.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.wildroseranch.com/Fishing/fishing.htm&h=480&w=640&sz=115&hl=en&start=37&usg=__M-l6h0vwszFwRCKCAEc3ZXwg1TY=&tbnid=YSWopuadFpI4jM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3DHenry%2527s%2BLake%26start%3D20%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN

Straight out between 5 and 6. By the way, I was in 14’ of water. This is NOT a deep lake, so when weather gets bad, this lake gets REAL ugly.

That is the same location that I have fished.
Here is some more updated info about Henry’s Lake;http://www.flyfisherman.com/rmwest/gthenryslake/
Here is a Quote from this article;
“Whenever and wherever you fish Henry’s Lake consider the weather. Wild storms can kick up even during the middle of summer and wind is a huge danger if fishing the lake from a boat or float tube. In fact, anglers should expect the wind to kick up in the afternoon every summer day on Henry’s Lake. Don’t venture too far away from shore. Another note: the lake closes to fishing at 9 P.M. each night.”

The closing change two years ago I believe. I think the season is around two weeks longer and during the open season, 24 hours. The long time locals weren’t too happy about that, but so far nothing has really changed to my knowledge.
You are dead on with the winds and storms moving in REAL fast.

Really nice looking fish…! Thanx for the pic’s…!

Nice Fish, Thanks for posting:)

Hi Joni,
Did you fish your VG from Grigg? If so, how did it hold up to those big fish? I’m thinking of getting one for myself. :slight_smile:

Nice going joni. That’s some serious weather-fishin’ you did up there. You did well…you toughie you!


I have some cousins up in Idaho. I think I’ll have to give them a visit soon.


Great looking fish! Sounds like the weather was a bit bad, but it’s better than snow and ice. Idaho keeps looking better and better.

Gotta say, that is one classy hat your wearing.