
I think I asked this before in another thread, but it was a general question inside a host of other questions.

I need a pair of waders now. I don’t have $400 to spend, so I need something more in the 100-$150 area.


I have Cabela’s Gold dry plus waders, they are in your price range, you can buy them online at their website.
These waders are four layer breathable material, and very tough. Also very light weight compared to Neoprene or your standard vinyl/rubber waders.
I have the waist high, the chest waders will run you a little more.

Clearwater Endura Waders by Orvis are awesome waders for the money$$$!!

Thanks, G

Dear Outlaws,

Here is another vote for the Orvis Endura’s. I’m eyeing them up for when my Silver Label’s give up the ghost but I’m sure it will be quite a while before I need a new pair since I got 9 years out of a pair of the original Clearwater’s.

Best Wishes,
Avalon :smiley:

I second the Simms suggestion.

Also, you’ll find that quite a few dealers have their waders on sale at this time of year, and you can sometimes find them for sale on Ebay at discounted prices.


Never have I spent better money than on the Simms Travel Waders. They are very comfortable, pretty durable, dry in like 3 minutes, fold up into a little bag that you can reaslitically put in your vest, and only cost $120.

I would definitley give these a look.
[url=http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0030791830635a&type=product&cmCat=search&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&QueryText=simms+travel&N=4887&Ntk=Products&Ntx=mode+matchall&Nty=1&Ntt=simms+travel&noImage=0:39b95]Travel Waders[/url:39b95]

are you looking for bootfoot or stocking foot?
does that include new boots of stocking foot?

ive got cabelas lace up boot foot and couldnt be happier @ 150

got the wife cabelas dryplus stockingfoot and a pair of boots for @ that much

id recomend either set to anyone.

I don’t really have a recomendation because I have a pair of Cabelas Neopreme waders that I use year round. They were about $90 and have proven to be quite durable, warm in the cold, and used as waist high in hot weather and cold water pretty comfortable. I do have a complaint with wader manf. Why in the world don’t they make waders to fit regular people. I am 5’9" and 250 lbs with a 29’ inseam and size 10 feet. I just looked at the size charts and the XL and 2XL waders, which I need, all have 35 or 36" inseams with 12 to 13 size feet. The neopremes I have are the Stout ones and the inseam is still 33" so leg material still tends to bunch up some where. With the size 12 or 13 stocking feet that material bunchs up in the boot or I have to pull the heel up over my ankles, either way not very comfortable. I know that I am not the only fisherman built this way, in fact I believe that I am in the majority from what I see on the stream, so why won’t the makers build waders to fit us?


Simms freestone. Inexpensive, great warranty, made in the USA, and extremely durable. Then again, I don’t have a point of reference as they’re the only breathables I’ve ever owned - but after over 100 days of use, they are still performing as new.


I have a problem like that too. I’m just a size large, but with 13 feet. The only sim that has that size is the G3, and i’m not spending that kind of money.

I am 5’8", 237# and no hope for a perfect fit, but I have a pair of Hodgman Wadelite II size large and stout. Breathables seem to not feel as uncomfortable if they bunch. I might have extra room in the feet though. If only I had a personal tailor to fit my waders to me. :lol:

LL Bean’s Emergers. About $150. Mine are 4 years old and have no leaks. If ever you are dissatisfied return them for a full refund. No questions asked. It doesn’t get much better than that.


Thanks. I will go look into some of those. The only problem with LL Bean is that it is mail order and I can’t try them on first.

Dear Fly Goddess,

You, and any other woman, should check out the Fly Girl waders from Wright and McGill. A friend of mine just bought a pair and she says they are cut much nicer and fit much better than Men’s waders. For example the Womans medium tall has a 35 inch inseam and size 6 to 8 booties, in Men’s sizes that inseam has size 11 to 12 booties.

They have some neat features too like built in gravel guards and removeable suspenders for when you want to wear them as waist highs. I saw them in a shop and I think they were $ 199.99 which seems like a reasonable price for what you get. Check them out!

Best Wishes,
Avalon :smiley:


I got some Redington Barrierflex waders on closeout from Sierra Trading Post for (hate to say) $79-99. I bought one pair, tried them out and immediately ordered 2 more pair.
They are thick and TOUGH!

I don’t really have a recomendation because I have a pair of Cabelas Neopreme waders that I use year round. They were about $90 and have proven to be quite durable, warm in the cold, and used as waist high in hot weather and cold water pretty comfortable. I do have a complaint with wader manf. Why in the world don’t they make waders to fit regular people. I am 5’9" and 250 lbs with a 29’ inseam and size 10 feet. I just looked at the size charts and the XL and 2XL waders, which I need, all have 35 or 36" inseams with 12 to 13 size feet. The neopremes I have are the Stout ones and the inseam is still 33" so leg material still tends to bunch up some where. With the size 12 or 13 stocking feet that material bunchs up in the boot or I have to pull the heel up over my ankles, either way not very comfortable. I know that I am not the only fisherman built this way, in fact I believe that I am in the majority from what I see on the stream, so why won’t the makers build waders to fit us?

I just ordered a pair of the Cabela’s neoprenes because they have a better selection of sizes. I am 56 and have a well developed girth. By going to the Cabela’s stout sizes I actually found something that doesn’t look like it will try and squeeze me out the top or have a crotch at my knees.