

Very nice article on voting this week. Somehow, I knew you and JC would approach all your constitutional rights as thoughtfully as you approach fly fishing. It seems as that’s just who you are.

An afterthought from reading your piece. There are so many half-truths and outright untruths in the news and in campaign adds these days, it is important that conscientious voters get their facts from varied sources. Much of the media these days have a hidden agenda, and without digesting a number of sources, we can be guaranteed to get only part of the story. Freedom of the press has a dark side too. Freedom does not guarantee truth.

Godspeed all and do like Deanna says. Vote!


Nice article, but it makes the assertion that “And in Iraq, more people voted in their last election than voted in the entire USA in the last Presidential election.”

This doesn’t compute. The Estimated total population of Iraq in 2008 is 28,000,000 (from CIA Factbook, rounded to nearest million).

In 2004 the popular vote for president was 62,000,000 for Bush and 59,000,000 for Kerry (rounded to nearest million).

But regardless everyone who can should vote.

A BIG Amen to that. I have been totally disgusted with the “media” in the past 3 Presidential elections.
There journalistic abilities have gone by the wayside in favor of the party of their choice.
Totally disgusting!!

Maybe they meant “percentage-wise”.

Could be. To be sure 120 million votes cast is less than the number of eligible voters in this country.

In some districts, over 100% of deceased voters voted. :smiley:

Jeff - 70 percent of Iraqis voted, officials say - Dec 21, 2005
Dec 21, 2005 … The report suggests that a greater percentage of Iraqis hit the polls last week than did Americans during their 2004 presidential election. … -