


Been there, done that! I remember when I lost my job back in 2001, that I found great satisfaction in volunteering. It never led to a job, but gave me a different outlook on life on the days that I knew I was “needed” and “wanted” by someone.

have volunteered thousands of hours since 1984. It is the way to go for sure. Depressed? Bummed? Sad? Volunteer and it will be soothed.

I hate to say this but I’m going to.
I like volunteering in foreign countries for medical missions.
I dislike volunteering in the U.S. because of the “entitlement” attitude. Folks here thing YOU deserve to give them something. Folks in foreign countries are truly THANKFUL for what you do for them.
I know you’re gonna say ‘that’s not the reason for vounteering’. But then again it is. It’s to help people that truly NEED your help and those that aren’t appreciative don’t need it in the first place.