Visitors from Missouri

Night Angler1 sent me a box of flies to try out here in SE Idaho.

The larger fly is his “PMS” ( for Pine Marabou Streamer ) and the smaller one is his “Hibernator”. He sent me both weighted and unweighted versions of both flies.

Under tough fishing conditions on the South Fork of the Snake, the PMS managed a 17" brown, took a really hard whack by another big fish, and landed a couple smaller browns.

Under somewhat better conditions on another stretch of the South Fork, the Hibernator accounted for three browns in about fifteen minutes - one about 12", one about 19", and this fine (17") fellow.

Both these flies have great profiles and excellent movement in the water. No doubt they will catch trout wherever trout have baitfish and sculpins to forage on. Leonard mentioned one time that he fishes them as leeches in stillwater with great success, also. Don’t recall if he mentioned using them for warmwater species and I don’t have any experience on warmwater so I can’t speak to that.

Leonard is preparing submissions for both these flies for Fly of the Week. Take heed. These are streamers you need to take seriously.


John and Leonard,

Well done to both of you. Looking forward to seeing the FOTW articles.

John, ya know if you charged a small fee to test out peoples flies, you could clean up, buddy. Do you need an agent?


Looks like more great reports will be comming in from John’s Fly Efficiency Labs! And good “pre-release” adverstising for the FOTW too!

  • Jeff

Ron -

Jeff and Leonard are on my short list for an “agent.” You, too, can become a candidate by sending along a selection of flies for me to test out - free of charge, of course.

Let’s see, what am I going to need over the next couple months … ??


Had a good outing with the Hibernator this afternoon on the Henry’s Fork. Landed sixteen or seventeen browns and one rainbow in about three hours of fishing, all on a single fly. The Hibernator was looking good when done - ready to go back for more.

Click on the photo for some pics of what Night Angler1’s creation can do.
