visiting Fernie BC early Aug. flys???

Will be with a group going to fish the elk and other waters Aug 3 through 10th near Fernie BC any suggestions for flys waters to fish would be appreciated.
Thank you
Bill D

What a great choice. This area has so many miles of fine trout water you can’t possibly go wrong. Of course, float the Elk if you can but there are endless opportunities for wade fishing also. Michelle creek and the WigWam river are close to Fernie.

As for flies, this is mid summer and cutthroat water. Think hoppers and attractors. Several hopper patterns such as Dave’s Hopper, Joe’s hopper, A parachute version etc mainly in yellow and or tan. Chernobyl Ants, Madame-X, royal and lime trudes, humpies, turks tarantula, for a few attractors. Also caddis are plentiful and make for great evenings. The standards should work. Elk hair caddis. X- caddis, Goddard, and LaFontaine’s sparkle pupa’s.

When you arrive, check in with one of the local shops to get your license’s etc and a few of their recommeded patterns

Have a great time.

black elk hair caddis 14-16
double bunny olive and white[think bulltrout]
black clouser
wooly buggers [olive/black]
Turcks tarantula [red/yellow]
copper johns
pt. nymph
prince nymph

Good luck.
I live about 45 minutes south of Fernie and I still don’t get to fish it more than a couple of times a year.

Gorgeous water and FUN town. Tons of Cutts. Rent a Mtn Bike. Do the Ski Lift etc etc…

One thing, since the new fisheries mangagement and river classifications, the Elk River is a Class 3 River and now requres a $25 (Can $) per day permit BECIDES your BC license.

If you are eating out you must go to Mojo Rising in the Old Town Section…

The guys have covered the flies well and I’ll PM you with some favorite waters. Be sure to take lots of pictures to share with us when you return.

My husband and I have visited that area for our summer vacation in each of the last 6 summers. I will really miss it this summer and hope the steelheading in northwestern BC makes up for it.

Oh, and don’t forget the bwo’s and little black ants.

Keep in mind our weather, and therefor hatches are about 2 weeks behind normal this year. Have fun, I’ve heard it’s been pretty good so far out that way!


What are snowpack and likely water conditions in August?


The Elk is good cut water and should be fun. You should be able to catch a lot of fish.

Our snowpack was above average this year, some areas saw close to 150% of normal, we are also about 2-3 weeks “behind” normal as far as water temperatures and run-off. That all said you should be in good shape by the time of your trip, but perhaps you may see slightly elevated water levels compared to usual.


Well, as I live walking distance to the elk and about 20 min from Fernie I’d have to say that you’re timing is horrible there will be no fish, terrible weather and thousands of people, I suggest skipping it and just staying home. Oh boy I really crack myself up sometimes, you will have an awesome trip with a ton of fish I’m certain of it, stop in and see Gord at the Kootenay Fly Shop he’s typically pretty helpful, I can’t really add to the flies they’ve been covered pretty well other than when all else fails I go to a parachute adams but that’s pretty standard issue. Have fun you guys will have a great trip.

ps. if you have a free afternoon I suggest taking a tour of the mine in Sparwood, if you’ve never been around that stuff it can be pretty amazing.

Thank you all for your posts. I have started tying and will report on the trip when i get back.

Shaggy and Troutstalker-

Glad I found this topic.

My brother and I will be arriving in the Fernie area on Sept 7 and staying a week. Our intent is to fish the various streams in the area (BC and Alberta) and, since we do not have a boat, public access is vital to us. I would appreciate any and all comments you might be able to give me regarding:

  1. Your thoughts on expected water conditions at that time of year for this year
  2. Good eating spots in the area
  3. Recommended streams we should check out. I do know of the Elk, St. Mary’s, etc. Have heard the Wigwam is very tough to get to.
  4. Any fishing guidebooks that describe the area. Half the fun of these trips for me is the reading up on it beforehand and getting the anticipation up to a high level!
  5. General thoughts on the type of fishing conditions we would expect to encounter and types of flies (if different from those mentioned earlier in this post).

Thanks for all your help! I can’t tell you how excited I am to be returning to Canada. This will be our first time to fly fish there, but as children my parents took us to Western Canada for vacation many times and I have developed a deep love for the country.
