Virginia Beach in April

I’m headed to the Norforlk/Virginia Beach area in April. What’s the fishing like in Spring? Too early for Striper? Maybe freshwater’s a better bet. What’s a Texan to do?

Pusher, I hope you get replies on this one, I’d like to get some info on fishing Va. Beach myself…:slight_smile:

Here’s what I can tell you from my rather limited experience.

The beach can be good, especially around Rudee Inlet (south end of the beach). Stay off the jetty (since it’s illegal); fish during the week as the bait crowds fish that place on the weekends starting in March. There’s a nice beach area NORTH of the big public beach where the surfers go. Good place to get into smaller flounder and blues if they’re around by then.

Another good bet is Lynnhaven Inlet, which is past VA Beach heading toward the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel (CBBT), or you can fish the south end of the CBBT proper from shore as the beach there is public for some distance in either direction (go west and you’ll eventually hit the Naval Station). However, I’ve had great luck with smaller (sub-20") flounder near the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel (HRBT), which is west of VA Beach. Convenient for me since I’m in Richmond. Fish a 6-8wt there with either an intermediate line or a 15’ sinktip, dredge size 2 clousers with some flash and voila! Had a few 30-fish afternoons down there in April/May - flounder, croaker, shad and schoolie stripers should be around.

I am working on getting access to a small jetty on private property that was insane last year for flounder. They hang in those rock piles waiting to ambush the balls of bait that come in and go out with the tides.

Last but not least, there is some excellent bass fishing around there at that time of year. Some crappie and pickerel, too, and much closer to the city of VB itself.

PM me if you like, and let me know when you’re around. I’d be happy to meet up with you and show you some of the places I’ve fished and had success.


I may be that way also in April…looking forward to some hot fishing!