Vest fly patch

My guide yesterday had something very interesting. He has a little fly box that had a clip to attach onto his vest. It was made from a soft canvas type of material and had mesh sides. He told me his son sends them to him from somewhere in montana.
Does anyone know of something like that and where I can get them. I dont like plain old open air fly patches because I always lose flies or get tangled in them, but would love something small and unobtrusicve clipped to my vest.
Thanks as always,

Are you talking about something like this [url=]Fishpond Laurel Run Zippered Fly box?[/url:6fd5a]

I think you could get a carabiner to attach it to your vest pretty easily.

Dear rawfish,

Though it’s not exactly what you are looking for it is similar. This is made by Streamworks and it costs less than half of what a similar box called the Fly Trap costs.

I love mine, it paid for itself in about two trips by saving flies I would have ordinarily lost. It’s plastic, lightweight, and about the size of a deck of cards. They also make a version with a magnetic insert instead of foam.

Here is a link. … oductID=33

Best Wishes,
Avalon :smiley:

I know the product you’re looking for and have the very item. it can also be seen on the cover of one of the fishing rags being worn by angler of (that) year craig matthews. I don’t recall who makes it but can check it out when I get home this evening…

The Stream Works Chest Fly Holder that Avalon mentioned can be purchased from Cabela’s for $9.99.

Item # - IG-318138

Take a look at TACH-IT. They make, or used to make, a flybox that clipped to your vest that has holes in teh side to allow air to circulate around the flys, but keeps them covered so they won’t blow away.

The only thing is that these boxes are hard sided, so it’s not exactly wat you are looking for, but it may work.

What you saw was the Finsport Fly Keeper. I use one and they are quite handy. I picked mine up at the Blue Ribbon fly shop in West yellowstone. You’ll find them on their website at … gets.shtml

that’s the product.

Well Lew wins the prize! That is exactly it…thanks everyone for your help. Let me tell you that is a super handy little gadget.

I think you might be talking about a product I use, made by FINSPORT. Here’s a picture on a dealer’s Web site which I got from Google:

Will the netted, covered keeper allow the flies to dry, without crushing them? They look really neat!
As of now, we use these little contraptions, affectionately called the fly potty (Cary’s name for them). You pop the wet fly into the top, they can’t fall out, there’s holes for ventilation all across the bottom, and the top flips back for easy retrieval, and they won’t squish the flies.

Dear Betty,

Where did you get that “fly potty”?

That looks ideal for some of my bass flies instead of the wool patch I am currently using.

Best Wishes,
Avalon :smiley:

Hello All,
Although the finsport is the one my guide had this one also looks really good:

Dear rawfish,

They are nice but they literally weigh a ton compared to the other plastic versions. Try pinning one to your vest and see for yourself. They also cost twice as much and they don’t work any better. Many of my friends who have the Fly Trap have switched to other products.

Best Wishes,
Avalon :smiley:

I really like the magnetic patches sold by Tight-lines. They feel heavy in the hand but aren’t noticable once you have them on. In 30 years of fly fishing, I’ve never had a patch of any sort that I actually liked before.