Very cool new idea for fly bodies

I came across this youtube video from another site so I thought I’d share it with the folks hear on FAOL. This guy has come up with a great idea that I think will open up a lot of creativity opportunity for some of the folks here.


Jim Smith

Wholly post holes batman :cool:

What a great addition to the fly bench…

I am going to use it for sure, so many possibilities.

Thanks for sharing it here Jim.


WOW that is really neat thanks a million for sharing.


Thanks for sharing - I will definitely be buying some quick setting Gorilla glue and trying out the technique. I’m already thinking about how to improve on the process and automate some of the body making process…you got the creative juices flowing!





This is going to be lots of fun…

Thank you for sharing this.


I will definetly be trying this one as soon as I can get my hands on some gorilla glue. Thanks for the heads up, and the link to the video as well.

Interesting…Thanks for the link

I wonder if you can add color to the glue…though it certainly seems to take a marker well.

Buddy, I’m wondering if it would work as an inner body on the parachute cord flies you showed us??? give a little form and smoothness…what say you???

I’m thinking of a mouse fly with maybe some furry foam attached…might use too much of it…maybe it comes in larger amounts…

Shouldn’t have to whip finish in situations where the thread goes through the uncured glue…

I’m also thinking this would be good for making eyes.

I hope as folks come up with ideas they will share.

Now that is one of the most inventive and experimentive materials I have seen in a long time. It seems with imagintation and a little work beetle, lady bugs, ants can be created pretty easy. I also see that inch worms could be created as well and feel I could really duplicate a true woolly worm catapillar found in the fall. I am glad that some one took the time to create this video and also like to thank the person who posted it. What a really cool idea.


P.S. I feel there are a lot of new things that are just gimmicks. I truly feel that this is NOT one of them.

Always enjoy seeing a creative person at work. Surely he pulled the trigger on the imaginations of a bunch of folks here. Will be interesting to see what comes of it.



Thanks for sharing. Neat concept for tying. May have to try that ant pattern.


I really like those ants.

Leave it to Gorilla glue, that was awesome, :smiley: I was wondering if you could spray a clear coat on it after you colored it with the marker to prevent the marker from coming off, just a thought :confused:

I’m guessing that since you can add water to the glue that you could add acrylic paint to it and make almost any color you want.
If you are like me you’ve got more acrylic paint than you need…

When I get around to finding the glue …I’ll try it and let you know but I hope someone beats me to it:D.

Oh, BTW, why not add sparkle???

Yup- lots of brain juices flowing already! I like it!
Re. adding acrylic paint… my first thought is that it would probably give you pastel colors, unless you really load up the paint- overdiluting the glue. Try it, though, and let us know what you get.


that is sweet.

I wonder if it would work with the regular gorilla glue, that stuff expands a bunch too.

thanks for sharing.

Will try our stores here in NZ to see if they have this glue - a real neat product and I’m excited to see how well it works. IF I can get it that is. Thanks so much for bringing it to our attention Jim…


Played with it a bit today…

I did try adding acrylic paint…worked but as was thought, very light colors. I used red and got a nice pink…a bit of black would make a good grey for spiders…a touch of yellow for a caddis body (this will make outstanding caddis fly bodies…with the hackle palmered through the glue, you’d get great floatation).

You can certainly coat it with a clear acrylic…I haven’t tried any other type of coating…As the guy in the video showed, markers color this stuff well. My acrylic ‘top coat’ worked fine…

Some observations…so far I can’t get past ‘one use’ mixes if I’m putting it on a hook…the time it’s ‘workable’ is limited…rotary vise really helps here…kind of like working with hot glue without being able to reheat it.

Still not sure if it will ‘harden up’ over time…the ones I did in the last few hours are still kind of pliable…not neccessarily a bad thing…

I have a few ‘premade’ type bodies curing on wax paper…we’ll see tomorrow how they work out…

Not a ‘fast’ technique…but as folks here play around with it, we’ll see some interesting applications.


Great stuff. Was able to make a small sheet out of this. I use a Dixie paper plate, the type that is coated with a film of plastic. I wiped a little vaseline on the plate, very little, to act as a barrier. When a glob is just about dry I flattened it out with my wet finger to about a 1/16". Even at that thin a thickness, the material still floats in water. Also, you can use acrylic paint instead of water to color the material.


Any more follow- up on this stuff?

Question? the video he states it “sometimes dries clear”…when? Does it come in both white and clear drying bottles?..I think not…

Clear might be overall better…