Verrry interesting...


Amen, brother!
I’m President of a multi-species fishing club. All fish are fun, and each presents a different set of challenges and opportunities. I only started fly-fishing in earnest last Spring…and I agree that FLY FISHING IS THE MOST ENJOYABLE WAY TO CATCH A FISH! Doesn’t mean I’ve given up on the spinning gear altogether. It certainly has its place, although I have to admit it has taken a “back seat”.
There is only a small handful of anglers in our club who fly-fish. But by posting my fly-fishing experiences and fishing trips on our website forums, others are slowly gaining interest in it. THAT is a step in the right direction!! :smiley:

I really like the under statement that fish are more fun to catch on a fly rod, and I also agree with the overall premise of the article.

Oh and while I love fly fishing for trout, redfish & seatrout, I also enjoy all of the warmwater species. I think a big channel cat hits harder than a steelhead,although fresh steel’s ongoing explosive run back to the lake is in a class by itself.

There are a lot of things that annoy me about this sport that I love. I think that some of those things are the reasons why the numbers of participants are declining.

First of all stating that my way (Fly fishing) is the most fun way to catch a fish is one of them. Yours isn’t but mine is.

What kind of recruitment do you think that is going to bring in?

What is wrong with this is a fun way to catch a fish???

Jim, do you know how you dated yourself by saying “Verrry Interesting”? I wonder if anyone besides Goldie Hawn is still alive from that show.

“Laugh In”, with Rowan & Martin…what a classic!

Doug :smiley:

Pete, Henry Gibson was on a “Stargate SG1” a couple of years ago!

Pete…wasn’t thinking of that at the time, but yeh, I was much younger when Laugh-In was popular. So, when I turn 64 this month, you can bake me a cake…

Basically, the article said what I’ve known/beleived all along in my FFing experience;
all fishers should try it and experience what I did after 30 years of pluggin’ and spinnin’…more fish of all species every outing. Hell, I’ve been tempted several times over the past eleven years to just use a spinning rod today, or a baitcaster tomorrow; but, before I was ready to go, I came to my senses!!! LOL

If there is any more fun to be had in life than FFing; someone tell me about it.

Regards, Jim