Varnish: Satin or Gloss

Which do you prefer? Advantages for both?

i’d say you match the finish on the rod. Basically its what look you like.

Gloss for me.
I use MAN O WAR with turpentine and Japan dryer.
Works for me.

BDC 8)

Gloss and semi gloss varnish is the same varnish, but the semi gloss has micro flakes of stuff in it which cause it to be less glossy. I have no real data here but it is generally held that the micro flakes cause the varnish to be less hard or durable. The flakes also tend to settle to the bottom of the can. You will note that semigloss instructions recommend frequent stirring. This can be a problem in a dip tube.
If you would like a less than glossy finish the generally accepted method is to rub out the finish with something like rotten-stone in oil, or any one of the automotive “polishing” compounds. Choice of compound can actually give you a choice of degree of gloss/satin finish.
It is important to make sure that the varnish is well cured before you try to polish it out. Spar varnishes may take a few months.

I like gloss. I love the look of a nice shiny rod.

I should have mentioned the blank was semi impregnated and will not be dipped or varnished…

Does this change your opinion?

First two boo were done satin. The 3rd and 4th were done gloss, I had to go back and redo the first two :roll: .
I scare too many fish with my poor wading skills that a shiny rod would not be any more of a hinderence to my catching fish. It is however a great excuse when I do catch skunks.

[quote=““Wednesday Caster””]
First two boo were done satin. The 3rd and 4th were done gloss, I had to go back and redo the first two :roll:


The decision to go with gloss was all “flash”. I just liked the shiny wet look of it- as if a new paint job on a car. I haven’t found any positive qualities of the gloss but have also heard as AgMD said about the flakes to be less hard though not sure where I heard it so can not confirm it.
It’s been said that shiny rods scare fish (satin finish, colored ferrules, bronze/black guides, tiptops and reel seat hardware to diminish the flash), but as I said earlier, I scare enough fish with my wading why not just look flashy doing it. :wink: As my kids would say “BLING”.

WC…so it was just personal preference…no real problems with appearance…where your rod’s dipped?

Yes, just personal preference.
I wipe on varnish with a cut coffee filter as an applicator. Read that someone on this board uses it too to reduce lint. It is better for application than the nylon t-shirt pieces I used prior. There are filters that are linty too though- test on scrap wood before on your rod. Sorry not sure of the brand- just grabbed some from the office.
Getting ready to move next year so I will build a dip tube station once situated. I’m very happy with the wiped on method but I’ve seen some pics of DLeo’s (FAOL member) rods and they look gorgeous dipped.