I was tying some chernobyl ants with foam and chenille under bodies and got to thinking what kind of variations many of you have come up with for this fly pattern. I have seen them with a turn or 2 of hackle under the piece of foam indicator too. So what are some of your favorite variations to the classic all foam chernobyl ant?
I made one in wide, green foam once, with short blue foam cylinder indicators. Then I realized, it looked like Leonardo from teenage mutant ninja turtles!
This fly is a version I haven’t tried, but looks tastier than the original. A few more steps. Charlie mentions Cheesman Canyon. Those not familiar, it’s very schooled trout that can tell you the brand of tread you tied with. If you want to feel humble, fish there.
Amy’s Ant is a great pattern! Chewydog, the site you referenced gives excellent instructions on tying it. I will have to give a few of those a try.
My tying bench is temporarily out of service due to the fact that we are re-carpeting my tying area. However, once I get back into service, I was going to add a few turns of ostrich herl around the chinelle body to give my ants a little more buggy character. Any one have a favorite color of chernobyl ant other than the black upper and tan under body?
I tie mine with one layer of foam on the underside of the hook, and one on top. There is no need for a fuzzy bottom layer to hide the hook, like this. I also cut my bodies in a bug shape with a River Roads Bug Body cutter. It has a well defined thorax, and a great generic insect sillouette. It works for Chernobyle Ants, Chernobyle Crickets, Chernobyle Hoppers, and my favorite…the Club Sandwich.