variations on a theme...

cool, what is the head made of?

What the h*** is that?!?!? The materials, I mean!! Really kewl looking fly, but what in the world did you use?!? I really, really like it!!

it almost looks like cdc, could you point me to a place that carries the material?

The wing looks like cdc, but what’s the head material? Can’t say I’ve ever seen anything like it before.

I’d guess it’s snowshoe hare’s foot fur on a dubbing loop that has had a little trimming done to it. The wing does appear to be CDC. That’s my guess, can’t wait to find out as it’s a very attractive looking fly.

ohhhh!!! i know what it is!!

yep, snowshoe rabbit in a loop for the head, CDC for the wing, and goose biot for the body!

i like the fly alot by the way :lol:

How’d you know that?!?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
i look at tons of materials at the fly shop when i go… and i have a pretty good memory :smiley:

The head/thorax is snow shoe bunny, looped dubbed. I like the fact there are only three components to this dry fly, like the cdc flav(may fly dun) and the October caddis, a biot ( or deer), cdc, and bunny… easy, fast, and cheap :slight_smile:
Snow shoe is close to indestructible so it make a good dry fly collar. The cdc is for wing veining, not much else. The bunny will float the thing . The biot, because the color is consistent when wet and the segmentation look is hard to beat.

Very cool fly…I love the simplicity of the materials.

AWESOME PIC…macro-lens? What was your light source??