value of hardy featherweight

A friend gave me a Hardy featherweight and spare spool and said to make him an offer—it was very well used but it is tight and the parts are in good shape–it looks to be a #4 line included and a case—i can use the reel but I wondered if any collectors were on board that can give me an idea of its worth.

Thanks in advance----mike

Great small stream rod flyreel ! Browse or

:DHey Mike offer him $1.87, then tell him you know a guy in Kalamazoo that will give him 5 bucks plus shipping for it.:smiley:

thanks for the reply guys

Bill—he said he was going to hold out for a little longer

Dave—i spent the whole night browsing those sites—thanks


Here’s a link to a store in Seattle that sells them.

Best I could do for now.

$200 to $225 seems like a fair deal to me. I have a few hardys and my fishing bud has bought a few on ebay.
