Not sure where to put this so will try here.
Next month there will be a public sale of a deceased friend’s belongings. One item I saw at the pre-viewing was an old Scientific Angler 2 piece, 9 foot 8 weight flyrod. It had an old Penn gold color International fly reel attached and both were in a case that held the rod with the reel attached. The rod was an emerald green color. Neither looked like they had ever been fished.
In my limited search I see that Penn no longer makes fly reels but they had the reputation of being well made reels and good used ones are hard to find. Not sure the quality of the rod but it was a very good looking rod and in mint condition.
Does anyone have any idea as to what the value of the set might be? Being a public sale it could go for a very low bid or maybe sky high-who knows. I’d probably get it to resell so was wondering what might be a reasonable amount to pay for it. I think the Penn fly reels originally sold for around $300 to $400.