Valentines Day

Tomorrow (Saturday) is Valentines Day.
Just thought I would remind you. Now go do your part in keeping your local florist/candy shop in business. :stuck_out_tongue:


my sweetie asked for a fly rod!

Thanks for the reminder. Iā€™ll be standing in line for hours with all the other guys who waited last minute to buy candies at Sees Candies. lol

VEE got an Orvis Barstock Battenkill with a spare spool for her 5 wgt. Flowers will arrive before we go out for a nice dinner and a movie.

Food for thought on how you can have extra money to spend at your local fly shop :confused:

Take your love one to Wally-World, Walgreenā€™s, Local card shop, Etcā€¦After you arrive go your separate ways in the store and you head off to the card section. Now this is the most important part, pick-out the most beautiful card you can find and I mean the mushiest card you can find with Lovā€¦this Lovā€¦that about you, you know what Iā€™m talking about the mushier the better. Now go find your love one and hand her/him the card to read, after their done have her/him go pick-out a card for you. After your done reading the card from her/him take the card back.

The moral of this story is look at all the money you saved that you can now spend at the local fly shop and it wont be thrown away in the garbage in a day or two :wink:

Learn to paint flowers and write in fancy letteringā€¦itā€™s worth your time and itā€™s nearly cost-less if you turn it into a hobby anyway :wink:

It was a great Valentines for us.

My bride wanted a nice purse of her choosing (as opposed to silly petals that drop in three daysā€¦:cool:) and I wanted to get into a nice, used Taylor acoustic guitar I had found some days priorā€¦

Weā€™re both happy! ('specially meā€¦)

Which model Jeremy? Iā€™ve got a 2001 BB Taylor. Great gits.




Itā€™s a 2007 GS8. East Ind. Rosewood back/sides and with an Engleman Spruce top. The fellow had some smalll p/ups installed under the bridge that I canā€™t recall the name too right off.

Sheā€™s set up for a very low action for finger-pickingā€¦but it wont buzz with some moderate strumming. Itā€™s simply a wonderfully deep sounding ā€œbronzy richā€ base and tinckling highsā€¦Itā€™s super!

Wish I could do it the justice it deservesā€¦ I sold one of my 'boos for it. That was a great choice. I was beginning to become a collector.

I sold off my instruments a dozen years back. Got frustrated. Then the bluesy sound invaded my haed againā€¦Iā€™m taking the learning easy now.

So much to learn. I find myself a bit frustrated at times even now. I set her aside and take a breath! It takes a few hrs and Iā€™m right back to it!

Wonderful Moose, wonderful! Iā€™ll die with this one!

Shoot me a PM. Iā€™d like to know what your music interests are. This IS a FLY FISHINā€™ siteā€¦:-))



ā€œShoot me a PM. Iā€™d like to know what your music interests are. This IS a FLY FISHINā€™ siteā€¦)ā€

Valentines day is past, feel free to hijack this thread :D:D


Valentines day at our house is sort of the same every year. I buy my wife flowers (usually red roses) and a mushy card. She likes for me to get her the roses because she says Iā€™m the only man that ever bought her roses. Good thing too. She gets me a mushy card and a box of chocolates which she eats.

Thread hijacked back.

Yep, it is a flyfishing site. Sending pm.



My wife has been taking some amazing outdoor photos lately, so for Valentineā€™s Day I took two of her favorites and had them blown up to poster size (20"x30") and framed. They turned out beautifully, she loved them, theyā€™ve got no calories and wonā€™t make me sneeze (Iā€™m allergic to roses).