Just a quick note to say that I’d appreciate a bit more “specifcity” in the Subject-Lines on this forum … please.
The simple truth is that our posts are often made at the end of the day on the water … often with a beer-in-hand or after a great supper-with-wine … and we’re all feeling like Ernest Hemingway when we choose our Subject Lines.
I’m out in the middle of nowhere with a slow dial-up connection, and I don’t want to wait 85 seconds to find out what grrrr or * mykeeper* means.
I don’t mean to offend anybody, but it’s a common-sense request. Almost all of the FAOL posts are useful or heartening, but I just don’t have the time to be sorting the wheat from the (sorry,folks) chaff.
HEY RON!!! I feel your pain man!!! Dial-Up is awful! I’m in your corner Ron and I am fully supportive of your situation! Here are a few Links to HELP you. www.spurgeon.org/sermons/1801.htm www.lostsheep.com/ www.humorousmaximus.com/lostsheep/sheep.php
You also might try partaking of plain ol grape juice instead of the regular vino!
Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.
I’ll second that request. I’ve got a pretty quick system but I hate subject lines that give little or no information about the content of the post. Please folks try to avoid subject lines like “Fish, Mistake, or Help.” Expand the thought a little! 8T :lol:
chaff comes out back end of combine after the seeds come of the heads it blows out not straw but the outher junk. oh oh eh thats a give away what job ive done eh. were i am from yeah i bettter know a few farm things like vet skills with needle and how to nurse . and what to do with a varmint.
if the farm cat comes from the barn and goes around you feet you better not go there.with out protection.
thats her telling you there is skunk or porkupine to deal with.
Not too much, really. It’s just that the Thread Pirates have come along and yours is but another hapless thread that they have woven into their Jolly Roger. Have no fear, it fitted into their mishmash perfectly.
Hey Ronnie_D, it’s a perfect mornng here in Va. The sun’s coming up, the air is cool, and I’m sitting here drinking my first cup of coffee reading this thread thinking,(there could be something I could add) but naw, I just enjoyed reading it. Hope all have a good day…