Utah Angler Catches Nice Brown

Beautiful fish!

RAW, is that Bryan?
What a fish!!!

Not bad. NOT BAD !!

As my brother would say “Forget the fly, GET THE HARPOON!”

That’s Bryan!
For those who don’t know Bryan, let me just say this: He deserves a fish like that. He is an exceptional fly fisher. He has paid his dues and has respect for fly fishing. In short, it couldn’t happen to a nicer more dedicated fly fisher.

His blog says “Madison Brown.” I’m assuming that this monster came out of the Madison River, in MT/WY? Surely there’s no river in Utah with a 32" brownie (I doubt the Green has anything of that size, and there’s no way anything that big lives in the Provo).

That is an absolutely amazing fish. I’m surprised no one has screamed “Photshop!” yet (not that I am, I have no reason not to believe him–especially if he’s from Utah!).

Man, what a gorgeous fish. I like what he said about the “Pursuit” in the blog entry. Man, I think it would be tough to keep fishing for trophy browns after that. That is a fish a hundred life times!

Ryan -

My best guess, from the article and pics, is that it is a Hegben Lake brown running up the Madison River to spawn in the Gibbon ?? As big as that fish is, it has probably made that spawning run many, many times !!



In the comments under the article on the blog I read this.

Although it was caught in the river I’m certain that its a lake dweller.

Thought this was caught in Madison?

The background looked kind of like the area right at the top of Quake Lake to me, so maybe a spawner coming up out of Quake into the river below Hebgen.

And, you might be amazed at how many places there are in this country with the occasional trout that size lurking.

Nice fish, tho. S

Wow, that’s a nice fish! I caught a 16" brown a few weeks back and was happy and my fish was only 1/2 the size.

Congrtulations on a great fish.


There’s been some big browns caught in Utah too. Don’t underestimate the waters there.
I think the fish was caught in the same area that Bob Jacklin caught his last year.
The fish is real. Can’t Photoshop something like that.
Do I hear sounds of jealousy here?:wink:

Congratulations on catching such a beautiful fish! That Brown is certainly a fish that we all dream of catching on day. Catching one as beautiful as that here in Ontario would be one of a kind and quite likely rank as a provincial record fish or close to it. I will assume that the fish was released after the photos were taken? Well done!! Now for something bigger?

That’s a fish of a lifetime. Congratulations!

Jealous? I don’t know about that.
Envious–heck yes I am!

Like, I said though–I’m not saying it was PS’d. Just surprised nobody accused him of that b/c I’ve seen that happen on numerous boards before. :wink:

Never underestimate the potential of big fish in under-rated water because the other millions of anglers will. That is why optimists find those “HAWGS”

That’s why we’er still looking for them, Lou.