I just talked to “Harley Bob”, and recieved a really encouraging report on his, son Robert’s, progress!
At first,they were told that Robert would be on “clear liquids only” for at least two weeks, after the surgery. However, today Bob told me; “He’s recovering SO WELL, at this point, the doctors are allowing him pudding, strained soups and soft foods!” WAY ahead of schedule, due to his rapid progress.
They had “hoped to have Robert up and walking a few steps, by today”. But, there he fooled everyone again and instead of “a few steps”, he did SIX LAPS around the hallway corridor of the floor, his room’s located on!
Bob said “The BIGGEST improvements”, have been the fact… that although his son is VERY tired of the hospital, he IS in good spirits and he’s already dropped roughly 25-30 pounds of weight. (due to fat removal, the surgery in general, etc. not by dieting).
Robert is being released, tomorrow from the hospital. He and his family must remain at the motel, however, until the 27th of May for follow up to the surgery and then Robert will have his surgical staples removed then too, and THEN… they can all… “Get the hell out of Dodge and head for the hills of Idaho and HOME”!, (as Bob put it!!).
Of course, Robert’s NOT totally out of the woods, YET.
Yesterday, they had a huge scare, when his blood sugar dropped way down to 60. (It has since, been brought back to normal). He has a lot of weight, yet, to loose and that’s not going to be easy of course. He needs to rebuild lost muscle tone, strengthen his leg muscles and there’s still the ongoing fear of the blood clots still in his leg. Although, those have been greatly reduced, they are still present and still an immediate danger.
Of course, Bob “sends his many, many, thank yous” to everyone in his FAOL Family, for the prayers & well wishes I’ve relayed to him, from here on the board. I’ll be printing out, all the threads, here on the BB concerning this ordeal Bob and his family have gone through, for the scrapbook Bob’s wife is making about Robert’s long fight to loose weight.
They STILL need all of our prayers and thoughts we can send. Just talking to Bob, I can see the awful toll this has taken on him in just two weeks. But, he also seems to be trying very hard, I’m sure for Robert’s sake, and his wife’s, to hold onto his sense of humor as best he can.
When I told him,“I was printing out the BB responses, for the scrapbook”, he asked me to; “Please read all the ones, posted by anyone from Canada and Ohio and edited them, accordingly, please!”.
Obviously, I’d told him, that “GnuBee, OhioFly, Joe V. and The Buckeye Bandit, had all posted their well wishes” and I guess, he wants me to proof read them before printing them off??? Cant’ say, I blame the man, though…
Linda and I, hope if all goes as planned to see Bob, his bride and Robert in a few days, before they leave for home. I'll hopefully, have another great progress report to make, after we all get together!!