Ok Guys and Gals…planning a trip to Helen, GA April 30-May 3 with my wife and 5 year old son. I have a half day of private water fishing on the Soque with Unicoi Outfitters for me and my son. We will be staying at Cabin on the Creek so I can fish the creek that runs through the property. Any comments about Cabins, fishing, guide service, or just general suggestions will be welcome. I am also planning to spend some time on Smith Creek below the dam as well.
I’ve fished the Bryson City, NC area many times before, but never fished the Helen area. Anything I need to know? Need some help and pointers.
The waters you mentioned are pay to play propositions. The fish are fed to increase their size. Take it for what it is, but the whole thing is a skewed experience, kinda like put and take hunting.
You’d probably cat the most with a piece of cork on a hook to imitate a nugget of fishfood. (I’ve seen it happen).
You can catch plenty of them on olive wooly buggers with crystal flash and weighted head, 10-12 range. They’ll also bite the standard nymphing fare, and will even hit the small midges one would use at the San Juan, along with SJ worm and other terrestrials.
The waters in GA do not have the same stone and minerals present elsewhere, even NC, and are not as fertile. We don’t have the kind of aquatic insect life other places do, and there is not a scientific endeavor to match a hatch. The old standard nymphs, terrestrials, and even some attractors work. Perhaps you’ll get a few to hit a dry fly.
Go fish Dukes creek in Helen Ga you need to reserve a day its free you don’t need a guide best place to fish in helen. Phone # 706-878-3087. Don’t miss out on this great spot.
Tony got it right. Check in to Dukes Creek. First class operation, nice water, be sure to make reservations. I do think there is a $2 parking fee.
Otherwise it’s free.
All barbless, all catch and release, and all mean business. The ladies that run the check-in ranger station are tops! it’s one of the coolest places I’ve ever fished.
Having never fished it before, while suiting up in the parking lot, I asked a regular type guy…“9’ 5 wt or 7’ 3wt?” (all the water you can see from the check-in station is pretty tight and overhung) The regular answered…
“Do you like the 3wt”? . I answered that I loved my 3wt!
to which he replied…"then you best be taking the 5!!!"
There are some AIRCRAFT CARRIER sized trout in that creek! Of course they didn’t get that way by being STUPID:rolleyes:
I’ve only been to Georgia once in my life and do not know the area at all but, I fished the Toccoa and the Amacalola (sp?). Both are in North Georgia and I enjoyed them alot. The guys on North Georgia Trout Online should be able to dial you in. Have fun…