


Just a quick note to say that I’d appreciate a bit more “specifcity” in the Subject-Lines on this forum … please.

The simple truth is that our posts are often made at the end of the day on the water … often with a beer-in-hand or after a great supper-with-wine … and we’re all feeling like Ernest Hemingway when we choose our Subject Lines.

I’m out in the middle of nowhere with a slow dial-up connection, and I don’t want to wait 85 seconds to find out what unprofessional or grrrr or mykeeper means.

I don’t mean to offend anybody, but it’s a common-sense request. Almost all of the FAOL posts are useful or heartening, but I just don’t have the time to be sorting the wheat from the (sorry,folks) chaff.


Hey Ron…

this one’s my fav…


signed chaff

Thanks, I AGREE!

Thanks for explaining your problem to me. You have finally gotten through to me and I will persevere to do better and explain my Posts.
I have had cable (fast) internet for a long time and I am not as sensitive as I should be to Dial Up members. I am glad you brought it to my attention.

Hey Doug,

Thanks for the classy reply.


Doug has no class!! :smiley: He is a hijackin’ pirate of the first order! :lol: He lives under a bridge somewhere in Oregon and loves to pop out and scare the daylights out of adults and children alike. :smiley: I don’t think he ever fishes! Just mans his 'puter 24 - 7! (of course so do I!). :smiley:

I’m all for being cooperative and learning. I have been spoiled by having a fast internet and not having a clue what people have to go through with Dial Up. I haven’t brought up the subject until now but I have been contemplating changing my internet to Dial Up, for more than one reason.
You did me a favor.

If you think for one minute your going to make me mad at you, guess what 'Sticks and Stones will break my bones, but Names will never hurt me!"
Besides! I LOVE YOU MAN!!!
Doug :smiley: P.S. Long Distance Hug ON THE WAY!!! :smiley:

Oh, geeeeeeeze! Here we go with that man-hugging stuff again. Is Ohio the only safe haven where men still shake hands and give their friend a hardy slap on the back when greeting each other? What’s next for you guys, a little peck on the cheek like the ladies do? Ewwwwwwwwww.


HOWWWWW!!! Does a LONGGGGGGGG Distance Hug qualify as UN-MACHO?
Doug :smiley:

You mentioned a ‘SLAP’ on Jack’s back? How hard can I slap him?
Doug :smiley:


You mentioned a ‘SLAP’ on Jack’s back? How hard can I slap him?
Doug :D[/quote]
as long as he doesn’t lose any bodyparts! :shock:


MAN! Talk about a Hi-Jacked post. :lol: :lol: :lol:

In my part of TN good friends hug! Stick that in your pipe!!

It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy! Hmmmmm… :? Just who are we talking about here!!!

That’s odd, in my part of Tennessee guys usually just shake hands… 8)
And I gave up smoking, pipes and everything else, over 20 years ago…

(I gotta give Jack some grief so that he knows that we’re friends.)


Hi Jack.



Hi Jack.

Also, let me be the ‘FORTEENTH’ person to say HI JACK!
Did my Hug get there yet?
Doug :smiley:

I worry about some of you guys.
