On Wednesday night the Hebron Baptist Church in Dacula, GA has a Sportsman Ministry Group meeting. Last night after Bible study (Romans 8: 28-31) the guest speaker Gordon Walker explained everything we needed to know about muzzle loading rifles. When he finished he ask a favor, that we remember his daughter Michelle in our prayers. Of course, we had a special prayer then and there. Michelle is shipping out Friday to Afghanistan as a Huey door gunner. According to dad Michelle is a heck of a shot hitting the target from the Huey over 90% of the time, but she had been a state champion rifle shot I understand. I know they would appreciate your prayers also.
Besides building and using black powder, Gordon guides for “River Through Atlanta” guide service and part time for the DNR. He revealed a little information useful to local residences and future visitors to the area. The primary fish population on the Hooch below Morgan’s Falls Dam is now stripers. He learned this by helping with the shock population count. He uses large streamers.
I pray Michelle is safe while doing her duties in Afghanistan and her aim is always true. I pray for a swift and safe return to her family once her mission is completed.
Visited the Army Aviation Museum at Ft Rucker two weeks ago with my son, an Iraq veteran and now civilian DOD / active reserve. Had the opportunity to demonstrate how we used to parachute from Huey D’s. Best of luck Michelle! We will be thinking of you (in particular) and all of our other brothers, sisters, children and parents going in to harm’s way.
AIRBORNE! (What’s this oorah stuff?)
Back in my day, Vietnam 1963, a female door gunner was something that did not exist and to many of us never would. Michelle, do the job and make us proud! I am already!
Just a Grunt saying thanks.
Yeah, at 1200 feet + a rope isn’t much use, but I’ve done a few infils on strings and more than a few McGuire rig extractions under a Huey. Can you still build a donut ring?
Yep could do one…Funny how Ya don’t think of something until someone makes a comment and it comes “Flooding” back into Your Mind(or in my case whats left of my mind)
From one Huey Crewmember to another I am praying for ya! Take care of her and the flight crew because they will be taking care of you. I wish I were there with you.
HHT 1/6th Cav, 6th Air Cav Bde. UH-1H tail number “222” Triple Deuce!