Tyer's Wanted

Here’s a “Stairway to Heaven” opportunity for ya. Sounds like only “Experts” need apply. Please note: telecommuting is ok!

Oh boy ! :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m not really sure that I qualify as an “expert”. Modesty would cause me to rate my tying as “pretty darn good.” Then again, I don’t want to ruin my favorite hobby anyway. 8T :slight_smile:

+1 there. Sounds like a good way to suck the fun out of my hobby. I’m sure there are guys that this would appeal to, though.

I gave it a try once, tying for pay… Blue & Eight thumbs are right on the money…sucks the fun right out !
As for me…never again.
I like payin for my hobby, and givin’ it away or tradin’ it off to others that share the sport with me :slight_smile: Modoc Dan

I tied flies for a local fly shop when I was in high school, over 40 years ago now
It was barely worth it then. Definitely not worth it now.

I agree with Dan, flies are more valuable to give away than to sell.


I tied for a shop a number of years ago. Didn’t really make any money at it. The advantage was that I could buy materials or other stuff at BIG discount. That made it worthwhile for a couple of years. Certainly little cash rewards though. Local tiers can’t compete with the imported flies tied by oversea tiers for so little money.

Once in a while I’ll tie for barter or a little extra trip money, but I don’t think I could handle it full time.

OK so i talked to Erik and what hes looking to do is for people to tie extra large versions of classic flies tied on mustad r73-9671 size 2 2xh/3xh. theses flies are meant for display only not usage. Hes willing to pay $3 per fly if he provides material or $4 if you use your own. (That’s a little cheep even if he orders a dozen right?) hears his site http://flybuilder.com/

He wants to pay you 4 dollars and then he sells them for 15-17 bucks a piece? No thanks!


This guy is just trying to buy premium flies on the cheap. He’s not doing it to be charitable.

i know not interested lol

GEE! You mean I could have made money SELLING all those flies I gave away to those little Cub Scouts all these years!! Wow! I could have retired by now! Ooops, I forgot - I AM retired. NEVERMIND! :slight_smile:

Interesting, and they want part time workers too. 4 dollars a fly is not very much depending on how hard the fly is to tie. They seem to want perfection, and that means you would be much slower than normal. It takes me 20-30 minutes to tie a really nice bucktail streamer.

i know kelly i thought the same and hes looking to have 1 or 2 dozz done at a time and is expecting perfection so people can pick the fly up and examine it. its doesnt seem to work out right