Tube Flies

I want to start tying tube flies. Does anyone either have any home made vise adaptors they like or do you have a device that you found useful? Also, any recommendations for tubing/materials? I’ve seen anything from cotter pins, hair clips to electrical insulation. Any insight is appreciated.


I use the tubes from Q Tips with the ends cut off. John

hey Chris…

give the boys at the housy a shout…

they are the ones that got me what I needed


CHRIS the subject of tube flies has come up many times. Go to SEARCH upper brown line and type in TUBE FLIES. Then choose Search Title Only–bottom then SEARCH NOW. BILL

If you decide to use Q-tips for the tube you should be aware that the colored ones are hollow …not the white ones.

Duck you are right and I should have said that when I suggested Q Tips. Thanks John

For the few tube flies I’ve tied, I used cotter pins of various sizes as an “adaptor” in the vise. Having only tied streamers on tubes, I’ve used brass and copper tubes for weight, and that’s it.

I couldn’t find any FAOL sponsors that sell them, but a lot of shops around the Great Lakes and out west sell them.


You should check out HMH’s forum. They have lots of stuff there on tubes. and flies tied on iron as well

I use the HMH adapter, myself. Works great and isn’t that expensive, either. Plus it comes with a selection of tubes to get you started. Once I used those up,I went to Q-tips as mentioned above and small copper tubing when I need weight.