O.K so as the saying goes “I dont know fish hooks”. I am a biginning/novice tyer. I can typically take a recipe and with a lot of fits and starts come up with a version of what Im trying so make. My real question is ,how do I define what type of hook is being described when some one says somthing like " I like using a Mustad t38000-x when Im tying that fly".
Frankly if I dont have a clue what type fly it is that they’re talking about than Im lost and feel too stuid to ask.
What defines leangth,curve ,thickness,etc,etc. Is there a publication or other written reference that I can use to get me going. I know that everybody out there did’nt just pick it all up off the cuff. Frankly I am not getting any younger and dont think that I have all that many years left to do the same(Im also not too particulary bright either
For redemption sake I am hardheaded enough to keep chugging when I get irritated(hardheaded chugging to be seen as agood quality ,the ladies on here won’t understand ,guys, you understand. :lol: )
So any heads up will be appreciated.
Thanks a bunch
To Jerry: Thanks again for the offer .I will probably be getting back with you later in the spring to talk casting if you dont mind. William Jewell also sounds like a good option. I hate putting people out and feel like asking for things is an imposition on them . Thanks again . Try crabbing while you’re there. It looked like fun when I saw it done. Later, Perch
:? Perch,
For what its worth… I’ve been tying about 2 years now and about 9 months after starting I came to the conclusion that seeing as how I tie for myself and a few swaps and not having a “ton” of bucks to spend I’ve pretty much gone to justbuying “Dry” hooks, unless I’m tying up some “Big” (bass,pike, ect.) flies. I use Diachii #1110 or Cabelas striaght eye hooksin the smaller sizes and Mustad in the larger.
If you bookmark the following sites you can get a visual reference of what the hook looks like and what its used for. Not all hooks are picture, but it gives you an idea of what they are
dry fly hooks are lighter and usually shorter. they have fine wire and are usually 0x in length
Nymph hooks are heavy and longer usually 1x strong and 1x long
scud hooks have a bend in them
streamer hooks are usually about the same as nymph hooks sometimes 2x long though
You dont have to follow the fly receip if your tying dry flies use a normal dry fly hook (temico 100 or mustad 94840)
nymph/wet flies mustad 3906b
scuds and caddis pupa mustad c49s
just buy normal sizes in these hooks like 12,14,16 and you can cover most flies the longer you tie the more specialty hooks you can acumulate but for a beginner this will work
Get yourself a copy of ?Hooks For The Fly? by William E. Schmidt. It is a softcover book and comes up on eBay quite often, dirt cheap.
See: http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dl … or+the+fly
There you can bid on the book or buy it outright for $4.99 + $3.95 S&H.
It?s the best reference that I have found.