Trying a new(er) rod :-)

Finally broke down and loaded up on a 6wt:

I’m using it with a Sharkskin SA line : Can’t wait for next weekend !!!

Chris…Can’t wait for the report!


Very attractive looking rod. Please post your thoughts about it after you get a chance to give it a good workout. Best of luck to you!

That is a nice looking rod! I can’t wait to see some photos of the fish!

Looks like a strong caster to me, I hope you hook into a rod bender with that one!!!

Sorry, … no dramatic photos of rod bending, reel screaming fish to show on the new rod. It was HORRIBLE weather on the tail end of the season up here.

I loaded a Lamson Radius with backing and a SA Sharkskin FW 6wt floating.

Weird thing is the bump I feel on my stripping hand when the BACKING starts shooting out the GUIDES :wink:

If you’ve ever seen me cast, you’ll know I’m not the best judge of a rod, 'cause I am far from elegant and I break most every rule that poor Deanna tried to explain to me. (like I shoot line on the back cast - :confused:).

None the less, the fly goes where I look and doesn’t land with a big Splat! I fished it for a few weekends, mostly with small woolies and worms (#8 - #10). No problem. Lots of line speed. I used a tapered leader starting at 30# test (Maxima) with a long butt and sharply tapered down to a 2# tippet - over all length of the leader was 18 feet (twice the length of the rod).

A friend noticed a slight “thunk” somewhere, then I did too, but I can’t see that it is in the rod. It could be a loose something in the reel.

It’s a keeper. I’m still looking for a 10ft 6wt, but I believe it will be a GLoomis, … we’ll see this coming winter/spring as a good friend is opening a fly shop in Chicoutimi and is carrying these cannons.

Hey Chris,
Good to see you’re adjusting , if possible, to normalcy. I hope your new rod helps brighten the days ahead.
Screamin reels to you.


Hi fcch,

Looks like you’re loaded for bear with that outfit. If it’s improved your casting that much, it’s already worth the price. Enjoy! 8T :slight_smile:

Hey 8T, … The price is fantastic. Less than 300 bucks pretty well no matter where you find one!!

Just a note to anyone who might be looking at Sharkskin lines, … they do make a lot of sound when casting and stripping, … so if that bothers you, don’t do it. Even the ridge line makes noise (sound) too, but I prefer the Sharkskin. Also, … if you strip a lot, … you WILL cut your fingers.

I put a single wrap of hospital tape on the fore and index fingers on my right hand at the start of the day.


I’ve been using a 5 wgt Sharkskin line for two seasons now and have never abraded my finger stripping line, specially since JC told me the secret. I make sure to strip straight back instead of off to one side. Never had a problem.

Looks like time for this again. Assuming you cast with your right hand, after the cast move your rod somewhat toward your left a bit. Enough so you can strip in line ‘in line’ with your rod. If you do get a bite you can ‘strip-strike’ also. Stripping this way, you will not be pulling at 90 degrees over your index finger.

Ree, … yup, … I figured that one out too.

JC, … I know, … I know … 'ya gotta finally realize that I can only remember half of what 'ya told me, … and I can only actually DO half of that ;).

p.s. … I Do really like the Sharkskin. I have a feeling that it has become my preferred line and will be replacing my older lines next season.

Hey Chris,
Glad to see you posting! Nice rod too!:smiley:

Eric, Marco, … Thanks, … it’s Good to BE back.