Just wanted to give a thumbs up to troutflies.com. Great flies and a very interesting web site. I ordered a number of flies for a trip to the Sierra/Nevada Mountains. A mixed set of adams gave me a wide variety of sizes and some black ants proved to be the fly to have. All were well tied and priced right. One glitch with stonefly nymphs missing from the original order, but it turned out I didn’t need them anyway. They were shipped later, as soon as I told them about it, along with a couple of extra flies for my trouble.
The website is a great resource. Last year when I did not have time to tie before heading up to the Sierras, I placed an order with them and was very pleased with the quality. I have also purchased CDC from them as well. I have even taken fly tying lessons from Harry who owns and operated troutflies.com. He is an excellent tyer and teacher. His approach to tying is very practical in my view.
Nice to hear things like that about one of our old supporters. They have been a sponsor for several years.
Is that OLD as in long time supporter or OLD as in Harry himself as his handle (bones) would imply? :lol:
Harry is a class act all the way. i have never met him but have done business with himseveral times in the past and couldn’t say a bad thing about the whole operation. thumbs up!
over five years, Tyrone.