I found this on Fox News online this morning. The item is in the “Fox Video” block on the upper right side.
While it makes a good case for “Don’t use non-native live bait”, it seems a little extreme. Apparently this was done previously in 1955.
Is this going to be another put-and-take fishery? My understanding, from reading about the PA fishkill this summer is that it will take about 5 years for the PA fishery to reestablish itself from un-effected tributaries. It doesn’t appear from the story that there are any of those on this lake.
I know that when Texas P&WD stocks a private pond or borrow pit, the landowner is required to post the property for 3 years to allow the population to establish itself. They are expecting (wishing) a $4 million annual return from this lake. I don’t see them waiting 3 years for that.
If they used pesticide, wouldn’t that also kill the diatoms, or whatever they are, that the little fish eat? It seems to me that they are going to have to establish an entire foodchain to allow the fishery to survive.