trout stamp

I am brand new at this and was just wondering. If I buy a trout stamp in TN is it good in other states? I use to duck hunt and I know the duck stamp was federal and was good in any state. All you had to do was buy the correct hunting license. Does the trout stamp work the same way?

thanks in advance,

PS: One other thing, if I never get my fly out of that tree and in the water, I will probably never catch a fish. That being said, think I need to waste the dough on fishing license?:rolleyes:

I know for Arkansas and Missouri, trout stamps are non-transferable. I would assume that is pretty well standard. In Ark, you would buy a federal duck stamp, but also a migratory bird stamp for the state.

As far as a fishing license, there is no better place to learn than on the water. Not many fish are caught from a persons front yard. :wink: Real life conditions are not very easily substituted.

No. Trout are managed by each state, not nationally. Waterfowl are regulated by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the duck stamp you buy is a Federal stamp, not a state one. The state duck stamp you buy in some states, like here in CO, is ONLY for that state, and here, at least, you still need the federal one.

So, if you go elsewhere to fish for trout, you need to get whatever that state requires to fish for trout. Read and follow the regulations wherever you fish, and you will be fine. Don’t, and it can get expensive in a hurry.

No, I live in Tennessee and like the others have said, your trout stamp is only good in the state you reside in, not unlike your federal duck stamp that you have to purchase from the post office, that makes it federal.


“PS: One other thing, if I never get my fly out of that tree and in the water, I will probably never catch a fish. That being said, think I need to waste the dough on fishing license?:rolleyes:”

Easy answer to this…Purchase the fishing license and a chain saw.:wink:

Let me know when you are coming this way and we will set something up.

Hey WarrenP, a trout stamp is not needed in Texas. Just a regular freshwater license which is 10 dollars a day for a daily, and I am not sure about the rest. I can send you the link to Texas Parks and Wildlife if you like.

They should have a $10 national fishing license for catch and release fly fishers. This license
would allow the fly fisher to fish in the USA, anytime, anywhere without having to buy all the
licenses required to go on a road trip.

This alone would bail out the economy and the USA would get back on track not to mention I’d
be able to roam freely about the country with just the one national $10 catch and release fly
fishing only license.



Here on the NE coast we have a similar situation coming up next year that ain’t gonna be pretty.
The feds want to have a saltwater fisherman registry… with a nominal fee.
The states would rather manage this registry and instead charge a state license fee to help pay for local expenses.
I can understand that but I don’t like it.
You see where I fish, I could be in Conn, RI, or NY waters at any given time… and I’m talking fishing from my kayak :shock:
If I have to carry three licenses just to fish this relatively small area… well that just ain’t right !
And what about New Hampshire ?.. they have all of 13 miles of coastline! That’s not going to go over very well
It’s going to be a mess.

Hey dudley, well I’ve always thought it wasn’t right that there’s even a license requirement beyond the commercial aspect of salt water fishing of any kind. That’s just rude.


Dudley from what I understand - and I may be wrong what would matter is not where you fish but “The Point of Landing”. But again I have heard so many different things when it comes to salt fishinge around here.

When it comes to fishing except with some nedangered spiecies every state is responsible for it’s own regulation/enforcement. Due to that the states are left to set and collect their own fees as they see fit. That is why the licences and stamps are not transferrable. But you need to check local regulation since on a lot of boundry waters you do not need additional licence. As to national catch and release licence - argument could be made that since not all relesed fish will survive those who practice C&R are still using some resourcec from the state they fish in. Then of course all of the states would start squabbling as who is gettin how much from the collected money… I think Status Quo is the best solution even though it can get quite expensive for the people that fish in numerous states.

On the other hand if you consider fishing laws and regulations in most of Europe fishing here is really cheap.