Was wondering if anyone has seen / read??? the trout bum diaries. While on the river bar last week, I was talking to another fisherman who said the Trout Bum Diaries were great and to check it out. Is it a book or video?
Is it worth seeing. It seemed like there was more than one.
all i know about it is that it is a video and they travel to different place and there are more than one video to be seen.
i have also heard that they are great
but i have not watched them.
I was at my favorite tackle spot and looked up and saw this kid(some one under 45) horsing a trout that went about 5lb. out of the water. :shock:
Now I dont horse trout ,ever. so this piqued my curiousity. I stood there watching for about half an hour.
It was sure somthing to see.
I for one want to have somone sponsor me to go to exotic places to blast the daylights out of some very excellent fish.
Right now I am working on getting some talent( have so far aquired a miniscule amount ) so that a sponsor wont laugh too hard at me when I ask if they’re looking for old guys to go out next time. :lol:
If you like to fish, watch the show.
I have the DVD. It’s sort of like Fly-Fishing to the extreme. I like the video and it was probably designed to make fly fishing appeal to a young fishing crowd. I would say it is designed for the teens, 20’s and 30 something year olds that like exteme sports. Lots of hard rock music, beautiful scenery and fishing in neat, remote places. The first video in my opinion is the better of the two. It does get you fired up and ready to fish.
They both are excellent. personally, I liked the first one but that’s just me. Basically, both of them are a bunch of fish porn set to music…kewl shyte.
Fish porn is exactly right. You won’t learn anything from either video except maybe that there are places you wish you were but aren’t(except you lucky souls that are), but it sure is a lot of fun to watch. Heavy bass (the instrument not the fish) beats and heavy trout with a background of absolutely beautiful countryside. The first one is in Patagonia and the second is in New Zealand. The first one has a real “four guys and a camera out having fun” vibe to it. The second is more polished, artsier, and a good deal shorter. Both are REALLY heavy on the product placement, but you do that if you’ve conned a bunch of manufacturers into paying for a five month long fishing trip 8) . Definitely worth checking out.