Will anyone from this neck of the woods be attending this event? May 15th, 16th & 17th 2009.
Tennessee’s “Little River” runs through Townsend and is designated as one of TU’s 100 best trout streams.
On the Quiet Side of the Smokey’s!
I will be there Jack. Would be nice to see you there also. John
I will certainly be there at some point.
Wow! 2 replys in 3 minutes!!
Let’s make it 3 replies in eight minutes !! I won’t be able to make it.
It is going to be a fantastic event, Lots of tiers showing the skills, also folks like Lefty Kreh will be there not to mention some fantastic fishing feal close by. You have a chance to catch Rainbows, browns, Brooks and small mouth bass. And you can visit the best fly fishing and fly tying shop in East Tennessee. John
I won’t be able to make it, unless you send me a Plane Ticket.
I plan to be there.
Enough said!!!
I’d love to be there. However that falls in our busiest time of year at work, but maybe I can wrangle a few days off. Hmmm, my wife’s birthday is on the 19th, maybe I can suggest a trip to the mountains for an early birthday present. You know, just for her, hehe :rolleyes:
Hey Jack,
I’ll be there. Went last year and it was pretty good. LRO’s head honcho is leading the Troutfest committee this year and is really beefing it up. Looks to me to be way better.
If you need some company fishing give me a shout. Be glad to go with you. (Not that I’ve learned all the secrets of the mountains since I starting fly fishing in April.) Bet we could talk bassman into going too. Maybe a couple of the other guys as well.
I would be proud to go with all of you. John
We could have the makings of a mini Tennessee Fish-In going here! Warrenp is marking his calander as well as a couple other’s from this part of TN.
You MIGHT get a surprise visit from me and a fellow from Oregon. It’s iffy for now…but entirely possible.
Those guys are fun. Watching Jack cast is a dream. Gotta tell you about Warren. He was trying my rod…he’s finished with it…his back towards downstreamn in the river…walking upstream in the river to hand it to me…talking…smoking his pipe…line in water way behind him…and just as he reached me he shoves the rod tip forward, sets the hook…walking AWAY from the fish mind you…and without even a break in stride hands ME the rod as he passes me and says reel him in…you had to be there. What a hoot.
Well, I won’t be there in '09, but 2010 is another story. I will most likely be there for that one, AND the balance of the week will be spent at Jack Hise’s, with enough visits to the Patterson’s to make Warren wish he had moved!
Oh well, at least MAGGIE will be glad to see me. :rolleyes: