Totally off topic computer question

I know that this a fly fishing board, but if I can’t ask my friends here who can I ask?

My hard drive crashed. I use to have Windows XP, but when they put in the new hard drive, they installed Vista Home Premium instead of XP even though I told them NOT to install Vista. My machine was one of those bought right before the release of Vista and had a free upgrade to Vista, but I chose to stay with XP all along.

My question is that this old guy can’t read the small text that is on many web sites. I have went into the View tab and have chosen “text size” and then selected largest. It’s still too small on this 22" wide screen monitor. I then played with monitor resolution, but some web pages won’t load properly if I change it too much. Current setting is 1600 X 900. Any ideas for old guys with bifocals to be able to read the screen better. My Mom and Dad are in the same boat especially when it comes to Outlook Express on their XP based system. Things are too small for them to read to even send emails. What’s an old guy to do? Thanks for your help.


i feel your pain. :frowning:

first thing, try holding the “control” key down and tap the “+” key. sometimes that will enlarge the print. it allows me to adjust only the sites that need it.

second, go to the eye doctor with your laptop, or ask to sit at the receptionist’s desk in front of the computer. adjust the chair if you need to. ask the Dr. to write a prescription for that distance. it’s further than readers and closer than drivers/tv-ers. then find an old pair of glasses you don’t use any more, and get this new prescription put into them :shock:

hey, presto! everything is a lot clearer and your neck won’t be sore. that little bit of difference in “focal length” (i think that’s what my dr. said.) is what does the trick.

If you are using Internet Explorer as your browser, Down in the bottom right-hand corner is an icon that says 100%. Click on it and it will increase the screen size to 125%. Click it again, and it will go to 150%. Anything bigger than 125% will usually cause you to have to scroll side to side to see the whole post. If you click and hold the same button, it will let you go up to 400%.


go to: start /settings / control panel / display /appearance/
at the bottom of the pop up box is a drop down menu . change the settings for font size
hope this helps us old farts with bi focals gotta stick together

Hello Clay…I have/had that problem too and still do to a degree but I was able to make it better. If you can follow what I suggest here, try it. If it makes no sense to you, prolly better let someone else do it that knows about these things.

  1. Right click on desktop

  2. Right click on personalize

  3. Left click on Adjust Font Size (DPI)

  4. Note if there is a dot in Default scale (96 DPI)

  5. If so, try selecting Larger Scale (120 DPI)…
    …click Apply and Ok. Your comp will prolly restart
    and you’ll have larger text.

  6. If not and you aren’t clear on all of these instructions
    you’ll need help as I don’t want you to get in trouble,
    which is possible.

Any more questions, let me know and I’ll try to help.



theres also a magnifier tool . click the windows button, type magnifier in the search and click on it when it comes up at the top. haven’t used it much but if you play with the settings a little it might be useful as well.

I knew that you fly fishing guys would help a fellow old guy out. Thanks for all of the nice ideas. My wife also pointed out that on our fancy Microsoft keyboard there is a zoom function and a magnifier function on the mouse. I’m not a computer guy and try to be a fisherman.

I had to go to trifocal for my computer, then I discovered progressive lens. I understand they don’t work for everyone but I think they are the best thing since ice cream.

Progressives are the BOMB!! Although I’m gonna ask the doc for a little bit stronger magnification on the bottom to help with fly tying.


While holding down the “Ctrl” key just turn the mouse wheel for larger or smaller font.

Well that tops all…easiest way ever that I’ve seen…



One thing to be aware of when using this method. It can make the text in your dialog boxes and in some of your programs not fit the screen. just something to be aware of.


Uncle Jesse and crazy4oldcars,

I agree on the progressive lenses. Had 'em for years now.

If you spend a lot of time at the computer, though, you’ll get a stiff neck from tilting your head back. I finally got a pair of glasses where the whole lense is set for the focal length I need when sitting at the computer. They’re not quite right for anything else, but for computer work they can’t be beat.

For that matter, if you’re the kind of fly tyer that has thousands of dollars in materials and multiple hundreds in several vises, it might be worth getting a pair of glasses with a focal length and magnification that is just right for your tying. Just consider them part of your tying equipment.

Eye Doctor here.

I would seriously consider an eye exam. If you can’t see a computer well, then you better start with YOU first.

I’d recommend trifocals or progressive bifocals also.

Side note: Progressive lenses are NOT trifocals!!

I want you to know that I see just fine. It is that damn computer. :wink: My eye doctor once asked me to tell him how I view my vision. I said that I see fine. He said that many people with my same vision would consider themselves impaired and need glasses and bifocals at that. It took me a couple more years before I started wearing those old man glasses, with no lines of course. It’s hell getting old.


I go every year, a little over due at the moment. The problem with tilting your head back is called bad ergonomics. Get your monitor down as low as you can, if it’s sitting on the CPU take it off and put it on the desk top, if you use it a lot consider a below desk top mount (this requires a hole in the desk top, before some wise acorn makes a comment.)

By the way, in case I don’t get on here tomorrow: I hope all of you guys who like white Christmas’s have one and those of us who like Christmas a little warm have that. I hope you have a great time with your family and friends and remember the true meaning of the Holiday. I hope your wife likes whatever you got her (I don’t buy anything that can’t be returned). For you young guys if it has a power cord it’s probably not a good gift idea for her and if it’s lingerie, you really bought it for yourself.

You seem like the part of my family I have never met in person.


Thanks Uncle Jessie, and Merry Christmas to you and yours. ( and thanks for the advice lol lol )