Tori & the rod Uncle Jack built!

Today, 3 year old Tori & Grandpa went fishing at Keith’s (FAOL’s Wirebender) pond with the bamboo fly rod “Uncle” Jack Hise built for Tori.

Keith & Tori working together

Tori casting her 'boo

Jack, if this doesn’t make you smile, NOTHING will!

My namesake Mike…the NEXT generation of fly fisher!

The gills weren’t big, but those 7 inchers went into the cooler, Tori helped Grandpa bag 'em, then she mixed the flour & seasoning, beat the eggs, crushed the Keebler Club Crackers, breaded the gills, & ate a lion’s share of ‘em!! Twins Abbi & Lexi ate a bunch too, while 9 month old Mike just pulled himself up to Grandpa so he can watch the eatin’ he’ll soon enjoy. All the 11 inchers Grandpa catches can’t match this!!!

“Priceless”, my friend, the only way to describe that entire series of pictures.
“Tori casting her boo”, I just stared at for the longest time. “Something”, about that picture, trying to visualize that exact posture and pose, 15 years from now, what it may look like with “Tori the young woman, casting her Boo”… just way too cool.
Thank you for the pictures, Mikey.

The photo of Tori catching the fish is wonderful! I hope you can frame it and put it on the wall.

Mike -

In the casting picture, looks like Tori is having at it with a DOUBLE HAUL !!??

Great pics and report. Sounds like her kitchen work is up to snuff, also.


When I looked closely at the picture, it looked like it too. Since the Michigan Fish-In, when JC & Deanna worked with me on mine, I have been “working on it”, so maybe the little stinker WAS trying it! I’ll have to ask Keith if he noticed it. I can tell you this, the little darlin’ has no problem putting 15’ or so of line out there nice & straight.

Looks like more of thoughts moments that you think about later in life. Tori has the “Luck O’ the Irish” I see! Catches more than Grandpa, GOOD GIRL :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks for the tug on the Heart strings Mikey:-)

Now that is a fantastic series of photos! What a great time. Thanks for that.

  • Jeff

Been waiting to see these. Have to say, I’m not disappointed.

These are some of the best pics I’ve ever seen posted on FAOL. My oldest boy turns 2 this month, so hopefully I’ll have a few to post of him next summer casting on his own. Thanks for the inspiration.


The picture of Tori with the fish-on is priceless. You know exactly how she feels at that moment.

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for all the kind words folks…I am just bursting with pride over this little lady.

To all you young Parents & newer Grandparents…I NEVER took Tori until SHE asked to go. The funny thing is that when she was all of 1 1/2 & I would babysit her at our place, she would sit on my lap & watch fishin’ shows on TV. When FLY FISHING came on, she would jump OUT of my lap, put her “mini-rocker” close to the TV, watch & clap! She just loved it from the start (she loved the casting most)…point I make is that it has to happen because the child wants it, not us. I just hope she never tires of it.

Hey Mike, I expect that Tori will be outcasting you (and me) in short order. She’s already cuter than either of us! (Don’t let on to him, but she’s cuter than Joe V., too…)
You have a great deal to be proud of with her. :slight_smile:


When Uncle Jack sees that series of pictures He will have more than been paid back for making Tori that rod. Good on ya Jack!

Mike thanks so much for taking the time to get such wonderful shots of the early years in Her career. When she is a famous fishing Guide with her own fishing show, You and Uncle Jack can proudly tell the other folks at the home how you started her off on the right foot by golly. :mrgreen:

"You and Uncle Jack can proudly tell the other folks at the home how you started her off on the right foot by golly. :mrgreen: "(end GnuBee’s quote)

Gnu’b, that’s a nice gesture and compliment on your part, but considering how old Mikey looks NOW, I don’t think precious, little, Tori will be in the “pro leagues”, by the time she’s only 6 years old!?!

Eh, what’s that you said there sonny boy?..Home? WHAT home?..OH, you mean that joint with the mean ol’ ladies in white dresses!! If they ever put me in one of those places, it had BETTER have a pond!! :stuck_out_tongue: