Topwater Pike Swap.......COMPLETE

Ok, my first swap as swapmiester has began to draw to a close and though I was thinking about waiting till after Christmas to even post this swap.

This one will be a topwater pike swap. Lets see your favorite topwater pike flys.

Lets limit the swap to 8 tyers including myself. Sign
up by November 30th , Flies to me no later
than January 5th. Each tyer ties 1 fly
for each of the other tyers.

Send your flies in a box big enough and
strong enough to hold the flies you will
recieve back. Include in your package a self
addressed envelope big enough and strong
enough to mail your flies back to you.
Include with you envelope enough postage or cash
to send the package back to you. Please
do not use metered mailing strips.

I am in Canada and will not be able to use US stamps as return postage. Swaps I have joined have cost me roughly $5 to mail to the USA. However US stamps will work for me as return postage in future swaps I join, I will accept US stamps as return postage as I will just keep the stamps and ship the flies with Canadian stamps.

Please toetag your flies with at least
your on linename, the name of the fly,
and your email address.

I hope we can all have fun with this swap.

For this swap I will be tying a wigglebug frog.

  1. HMD - Frog pattern wigglebug -TIED
  2. Ron Mason - “The Rodent” Arrived
  3. DAnny Gober - Frog pattern -Arrived
  4. P Bray - topwater wounded baitfish Delivered
  5. Lee S - Hammerhead gurgler -Arrived
  6. flyme - MytMouse “weedless” - MIA

Ok, put me down for “The Rodent”.

Great to have you in this one too Ron. I learned quite abit since organizing the first pike swap and have afew great ideas that will make it into the winter swaps I organize.


I tie a frog pattern that is real neat. Usually size2. I’ll try a bit bigger if you want. How about a in the mail due date of january 2 to avoid the xmas rush. Plus it will give time to sch. my other swaps. Dan

Sounds good Danny, your in. Tie it a little bigger if you want.


Hopefully we get a few more for what will with out a doubt be an interesting swap.


Change of plans, I’m going to tie a wiggle bug style frog intead of a gurgle frog as I had planned. Ron’s wiggle bugs from my last pike swap got me playing around with a few patterns.


I have a fishin buddy that will come up with something for this swap as well. I’m working on getting him into chasing pike so I know he needs flys besides my pike suitcase. I’m going to add him to the list even though he isn’t on the FAOL. He’s a lurker on here but I’m working on getting him to join.


I wonder if a broader scale pike swap may be the way to go to get more swapers or if it’s just too busy of a time for a swap to fill. Seems like there are alot of half full swaps on the board lately.

I think I’m going to change the rules for the swap so maybe we can have it fill. I realize it’s a busy time of year and people don’t have alot of time and money is tyed up in Holiday plans.

So I figured I’d limit the swap to 8 swappers instead of 10 that way evrybody has a few less flies to tie.


If you don’t mind a gurgler, we’d like to join. This bug works real well for us at Wigness L. :wink:
…lee s.

Thanks for joining, anything you tie will be great. I had originally considered a gurgler pattern myself but opted for a wiggle bug pattern instead.


Hopefully we get a few more in this one, my fishin buddy’s minnow pattern sounds neat, just working out how he’s going to tie it right now.


10 more days to go till close, if we can get 3 more to make 8 tyers it would be great. If not we will go with 5 tyers and still have a great swap.


Add me to the list please. MytMouse will save the day! Weedless…jeff

Thanks for joining. 8 days or 2 more tyers and we will be full.

JUst bumping this up only 5 days left to get in on this swap.


Well it’s the end of November and we have 6 tyers for this one. Everybody who joined thanks for joining up, we will go ahead with 6 tyers.

Just a reminder flies to me no later
than January 5th. Each tyer ties 1 fly
for each of the other tyers.

It is going to be the christmas rush so please send your flies early if possible.

Completed flies can be sent to me:

Hillard MacDonald
103 Ceal Square
Hinton, Alberta
T7V 1M5

This is going to be a great swap thanks everybody for joining.


Hammerhead Gurglers in the mail. :wink:
…lee s.

THanks for letting me know, I’ll keep my eyes out for them. As always thanks for joining, I’m sure they will be great.


PO lady said to put $1.00 value on the package…? Let me know if that screws it up.