top water bugs

:eek:I went to a rummage sale at a church here a while back and found an old army ruck sack full of tackle, fly boxes and flies of various ages and quality. All were hand tied and most were very used. I bought it for a $5.00 donation (they were asking $2.50). One of the boxes is full of what I think are panfish or bass bugs in sad shape. Chipped paint, ragged feathers etc. Can these be rebuilt? I think I can cut all the old stuff off and retie them but would like to know if they’re worth it. Jim:confused:

You could refeather them. Just look closely and make sure the hooks aren’t rusted or it might break off on a good fish!

If I had them and if the hooks were in good shape I would refurbish them.


Heck, if the hooks are in good shape, I’d just use them. Bluegill and bass aren’t that picky and I’ve caught fish on some pretty ratty looking flies. Sometimes, it seems the 'gills prefer ratty looking flies over brand new well tied ones.


Trout too! Goofy trout!:rolleyes: