Toothy Tidbit

I don’t know how many of you out there like targeting pike and musky, but if you are like me you hate to have them hooked only to have them bite through the leader. Maybe this little tip will help you land a fem more. For several years now I have been using Spider wire Stealth for a bite guard on my leaders. It’s limp and light and holds up to those toothy critters preaty well. I tie all my own leaders and this is the formula I use for pike/musky.
18" of 50# hard mono
18" of 40# hard mono
12" of 30# hard mono
12" of 20# hard mono
12" of 15# hord mono
12" of 20 t0 30# super line
At the tip of my super line I tie on a 20# duo-lock clasp to change flies at will. A little drop of super glue or fishermens glue on the knot will help stop it from slipping.
These leaders are 7’ long and will turn over the large flies associated with pike and musky with ease. Also for you out there who might think these fish are line shy, Berkley just came out with their Fireline crystal wich is a clear super line. When I’m fishing my local river I use these leaders when I go for smallmouth as well, you never know when a pike or musky will be lurking in the area. Don’t worry about the rod, the 15# mono is the break off point for these leaders. I made these leaders to be thrown on my 8wt and 10wt rods, so anything above an 8wt. will handle htese leaders, if using a 5 to 6wt rod down size the leaders a bit. Start with the 40# and end with 10# mono then tie on the super line.
I hope this was usefull and good luck with the season! Dave

Two questions:

When you say “hard mono”, are you talking about Mason Hard Mono?

How do you knot spider wire to the hard mono – bloodknot or surgeons knot like I would usually tie?

Yes to the first question and I use a blood knot to attach the braid. A small drop of super glue to prevent slipping.

Thanks for that tip Dave. I will have to give that a try, for I have used coated wire up till now and have really never been satisfied with it. I was using mono and took my chances while Bass fishing, thus got bit off many times by the Pike. Wire kinks too much, thus always looking for something better.

I’m kind of surprised at the choice of blood knot…since one of the negatives of the blood knot is that there can be a problem with it when there is too great a difference in size or type of material…a double surgeon’s does better in those circumstances.