Toons, Bugs and Fish..WOHOO

Fished a little lake that we love because of the Chironomid action AND the big strong Kamloops.

Checked several fish to see what was cooking. One full of little green pupa and one was FULL of olive/gray scuds. Still getting use to the new Kodak so please excuse the slightly out of focus…:wink:

Then this guy showed up. But, no adults and they weren’t taking the imitations

But anything CHIRONOMID with RED in it, or an occasional black and blue, brought a most bodatious fighting Kam to to boat.

And got to love the underwater effect of the “SEE YA”

NICE catches!! That 3rd fish is interesting for its lack of spots below the lateral line. Is that fairly common on the Kamloops 'bows?

FG, you rock! Well done and thanks for sharing.


I have no idea. I see what you mean though. Some are really silvery and some have really bright colors.