To throw away or not

I often wonder why tyers cut off and throw away “excess” materials when the material can be re-used for bulk to create an abdomen. Best example is when tying on tails and then cutting off the reminder that isn’t bound. Why not keep as much of the remainder and double or even triple it onto the shank of the hook for body tapers? I use to build up bodies with floss and then I started to ask why? Any thoughts?


It’s something that I do as a matter of course.

If you need more ‘bulk’ on the shank, you can fold tailing materials over on themselves, sometimes several times, building up and tapering as you go.

I’ve also found that it’s easier to ‘build up’ using the materials at hand rather than winding on layers of yarn or floss that aren’t part of the pattern. Changing tie in points, using thicker materials than called for, and doubling stuff can all help with this.


Hey Buddy:
what do you think about tying the butt end of dry fly hackles behind the wing base too?

For pheasant tail nymphs I use the thin part of the fibres for the tail, wrap the body up to the head and double back the thick end of the fibres for the wing case. Nothing wasted. :sunglasses:

Fritz, I used to tye some killer nymphs using what you’re talking about.
I forget if it was the Beattys (sp) in Flyfish America or where, but someone
was talking about not throwing away anything that’s trimmed from tying some flies
because no doubt those trimmings can be usedfor another fly. Makes sense !



I don’t throw away anything usable. I have a special drawer for left-overs.

why trim off the butt ends of a hackle tail. just tie em in under the body.

Thanks all for your input and contributing to the “Let’s Not Waste” program.

I don’t waste anything big enough to use. This stuff is expensive enough as it is so why buy more if I don’t need to?

Of course, every time I go into a fly shop or look at the online catalogues (or the for sale section here) I end up buying more stuff.


Never never ever never throw away anything for fly tying. That like the #1 rule!!

I’ve drawers full of fuzz and stuff that I’m hoping to pass onto my grandchildren!!
