anyone have one? Got one for Christmas! Seems pretty solid, cant wait to try er out
I don’t have one…yet. However, I’m counting down the days until spring when I’m planning on buying one. The only thing that has held me back up to now is the price, and I don’t know of anyone offhand who will give me one as a present like you did.
I have a Polaris Ranger 800 XP side by side, with a fully enclosed cab, and I’m planning on building a rack mounted over the bed on it, and then mount the Rod Vault on the rack. If I find it is easy enough to take the Rod Vault off, I may also mount it from time to time on a Yakima rack that I periodically put on my Jeep.
thanks for the reply, mine will be mounted on a thule rack, seems pretty cut and dry to put on and take off. Ill keep you posted, doesnt seem like a hugely popular item,… yet…
I just looked them up. I was unfamiliar with them, but they seem really well made and a real convenience. But at over $400 with tax seems way over the top. Maybe if I was trying to protect 3 $700+ rods, the price would be more reasonable. But for me, $400 is more than the value of 3 of my fly rods. For now, I’ll stick with breaking my rods down, and locking them up in my rig. Tough I know with an ATV though.
I guess I’m trying to be too frugal (cheap.)
Shortest rod I use 11’6", longest rod 15’3", rod used the most 12’4". Not going to fit in that thing. Guess I save about $400.00 by breaking them down and putting under the canopy or in the back seat.
There are a number of people who have them where we are in MT, including at least a couple guys who have 2 Rod Vaults.
I often have people fishing with me who prefer to leave their rods assembled, and I can just fit fully assembled 9’ rods in my Jeep Wrangler (4 door model), but it is a nuisance to have the rod tips sticking all the way to the front windshield, and sometimes almost in my face. So, it would be nice to put some of the rods on top in a Rod Vault. I wish they made one, however, that held 4 (or more) rods though.
We saw a guy at the end of the 2009 Fish-In that had a homemade version. His tubes were PVC padded with pipe insulating foam, the front part was very aerodynamic, and the lockable reel compartment was a tool box that was epoxied onto the PVC tubes. He had compartmentalized the tool box and padded the compartments. There were a couple of aluminum spacers to stiffen the whole thing and keep the tubes separated that also served as a means to lock the whole contraption to his roof rack. His held 4 rods and cost him about $50 bucks. Don’t know about patent infringement or anything like that, but it was a really cool way to transport his fully rigged rods.
You can extend one of these quite easily…
a number of rods I use are well over 10’ but none over 20’ so at the most Ill have to stash a few in there in half(I only have one 1 piece rod and its only 6’ so that wont be an issue!)…
Plus it was a perfect gift cuz I would have never purchased one for myself but will use the heck out of it. Afterall, isnt that the perfect criteria for gifts?
thanks for all the great replies