Tips for sub surface newbie

Admittedly, I’m a topwater fly fisher.

I can catch gills and bass on the surface hand over fist, but just don’t know or feel comfortable fishing a fly subsurface.

Any tips? This might be taboo on the forum - but last night I caught the hell out of the bass in our pond with a buzzbait and lizard both. I’m SURE I could do the same with a nice #6 streamer if I did it correctly.

I have strike indicators, and normally just use #4 mono for my leader.

So, I’m open to any tips and help, please. :slight_smile:

Thanks, really appreciate it. Looking forward to expanding my horizons in the fly fishing world.

I would suggest a dropper unter what you normally catch bream or bass on on the surface. A wooly bugger, wooly worm, bream killer, etc., 18 inches or so under a popping bug works great. The real fun is when you get a fish of both flies at the same time.

Watch the end of your flyline. Any type of movment with then end of the fly line, probably means there is a fish doing something with your fly.
I watch for twitches, movment up , down, forward nor back.


OK, thanks guys.

That’s the other thing, I only have WF floating line. Do I need to get a sinking line, or will floating line with a 9’ leader be sufficient?

I have a sink tip line but use floating line 95% of the time or more, especially when fishing for bream and bass. But its like using a pig and jig or plastic worm, not as much fun as a Zara Spook or buzzbait but frequently more effective. I would probably catch more or bigger fish sometimes if I used the sink tip more. It also depends on where the fish are and water conditions. It’s difficult to get a fly down to fish 20 ft. deep.

What kind of waters do you fish and which species are you pursuing? If you only want to go down 4-5 feet, then a 9’ flourocarbon leader should handle it on still water with a slow retrieve. There is always the option of using split-shot on your leader to get down faster. If you want to fish with streamers, then cosider using a dark, heavily-weighted streamer tied on with 6-8" of tippet left over. To this tie on another piece of tippet, possibly one size smaller, with a surgeon’s knot (double half-hitch), or, if your knots are like mine, a triple half-hitch. To the end of this dangling bit of tippet, tie an unweighted or lightly wighted streamer. If you want flash, this is the place to use it. Use a bobbing retrieve with a lot of action from your rod tip. The heavier fly, tied directly to the main leader, will apply the weight that makes the dropper streamer dance and wiggle. In theory, the dropper if you fish catcher. But if you use a leech pattern, then the weighted fly can pull its weight too. (Please pardon the pun. I’m afraid it was intentional.)


Thanks for the replies guys.

I’m sorry, I should have been more clear. I’m fishing our farm pond, for bass and panfish with my 6 weight rod, reel and line. I’d need to fish no deeper than 6ft, most often I’d be 3’-5’.

Thanks again!

Something else I’d add… You said buzzbait and lizard. Buzzbaits are LOUD and lizards are BIG. If you’re going for bass, throw something meaty at 'em, not some #6 nymph. Look at some baitfish and craw patterns in the size 2 to 1/0 range. Big bait, big fish!

I am mostly a sub surface guy myself. Typically i use the whole length of the fly line as my bobber. Its important to straighten out the leader and as much of the flyline as you can so there isnt alot of slack between you and the fly. Cast it out, keep it taught with the rod tip touching the water and youll see the fly line twitch when you get a strike. When they are biting soft its usually something as slight as the fly line not relaxing after you have moved the fly (the point youll get most your strikes). Pike? no need to watch anything. They will rip the rod out of your hands. lol

If you want some real fun, drop to a 3wt.

I’ll add some things:

Fish your fly the same way you fish your lizards (or whichever conventional lure is working for you).

Many times an otherwise successful bass angler will pick up a fly rod and completely change his presentation just because he’s using a fly rod.

Take a 6X streamer hook…tie a leech pattern, a bugger, or bucktail streamer on it, then fish it just like you would whatever bait you’ve been successful with on conventional tackle.

If you are a conventional bass fisherman, you already know that a 4" bait is considered ‘small’ or ‘finesse’…keep that in mind when you select your fly patterns.

Using two flies is always a good bet when bass fishing. Putting a big fly BEHIND a smaller one can stimulate the competitive instinct and get you some amazing strikes.

Bass can be triggered into striking subsurface baits just as they can be triggered into hitting topwater baits. Fast movements followed by pauses are the way to do this. You can’t ‘strip’ fast enough to do this during the summer, so use your rod tip to get more speed.

Bass are not always subtle when they strike (if you fish topwater a lot, you already know this). Most novice subsurface warm water fly fisherman worry too much about detecting strikes and not enough about triggering them. Watch your line and pay attention to how the line feels in your hand and you’ll be fine.

What your fly looks like is less important than how it moves. You can catch bass on a black leech patttern anywhere anytime, IF you work it correctly…which only the fish can tell you…kind of a catch 22 but much of what we do is.

Keeping your bait in the strike zone is more important than keeping it ‘light’. Use weight if you need it. Most fly fishermen use too little weight on subsurface bass patterns, not too much. A bait stopping and then dropping quickly is a trigger…a bait gliding along? Not so much.

Fish really fast really slowly…make your fly move fast for very short distances with longer pauses. Much more effective than slowly stripping in the fly under most conditions.

Keep your bait wet. Better to make shorter and quicker casts than long ones that require lots of false casting.

Stick with what works. If you find a fly that works for you, use it. Bass aren’t all that fly picky, and the most important thing in your favor is angler confidence. Better to work on changing retrieves than changing flies.

Good Luck!


WOW! Thanks everyone for the tips and perspective.

What a great post Buddy - much appreciated!