I have about 5 spools of tippet on a holder attached to my lanyard. They constantly come slightly unspooled and creat a mess of a nest together when I’m hiking a bit etc. Is there anything to solve this? do the make elastic tippet bands?
Any tips appreciated,
Go to walmart get some ponytail holders (elastic bands covered in cloth) use a sewing needle and push the end through the pony tail holder. put the holder around the spool you can then pull what you want off with out tangles. this tip came to me from Betty, I tried it it works well.
thanks for the tip! That will save me alot of frustration.
it will only work for a small amount of time…spools are a big bummer…I carry everything from 80lb down to 6lb…they make the elastic bands, same as a pony tail holder…they simply stretch and become totally useless…I have been putting a piece of duct tape on the side of each spool and just taping the tag end
I buy a big bag of rubber bands, and use the wider ones!! been using them for years, I just replace them as needed, but always at least once a year.
the large wide rubber bands work great on spools.
Janus -
Rio puts out ( or did, not too long ago ) a product for exactly this purpose. It is called “Le Strap.” The packaging for the ones I have indicate it is a “#3 for Maxima” which suggests that various sizes are available. I think the package I bought had 5 or 6 straps, at a cost of $3.95.
I tried to find the product on Rio’s website, but couldn’t. If you can’t find it at your local fly shop, on Rio’s site, or from a mail order source, and you want to try it, send me a PM and I’ll see if it is still available locally.
P.S. Or you can call Jimmy’s Fly Shop in Idaho Falls at 208-524-7160. If he has it, Jimmy will sell it to you and probably add a very nominal postage charge. If he doesn’t have it and it is still available from Rio, he can probably get it in a matter of hours and have it in the mail in a day or two.
Thanks, Eric!! Goody makes the hair elastics. Package of 10 for under $2.00. Enough of one color to color code your tippet. <red=5x; green=6x; etc>
I like the needle idea, Betty…will have to try that…
My sources for the ponytail elastics are the dollar stores.