Tip on Hackle Pliers

I am sure this is not new. I was having some trouble with my metal nose hackle pliers. If the two pieces didn’t lay flat or meet perfectly, the hackle would slip out. I also would sometimes cut the hackle with the nose of the pliers.

Solution: I put about 1/8" to 3/16" shrink tube on each piece. This allowed for error in the tips not matching perfectly as well as expanded the gripping surface.

I don’t know if this will help any one else but it sure kept me from throwing a dandy of a tantrum.

I use the mini test clip adapters they come in a 2 packs at Radio Shack and they work hackle never slips.

I lose my hackle pliers all of the time, so i just don’t use them… but i do regret it when i am tying size 22’s!

JZ…I’m telling you mini test clip adapters…I think they are 2.99 at radio shack for a 2 pack :smiley:

Be careful some have burred edges…[read that sharp edges]…

Solution …file them smooth.

Cholcomb13, I also use the test clip adapters but find they don’t work for everything. I also use the swivel hackle pliers. It seems there is a use at some point for just about all of the tools we use.

I guess your right…I use the test clip for just about all my hackling…except every now and then I go back to regular hackle pliers…

I like the plain old ‘english’ style hackle pliers. It’s nice that my finger fits in the ‘loop’, they are heavy enough to hold the hackle (or whatever I clip them to) with enough tension that I can tie off and the hackle stays put.

You have to ‘finish’ making them after you buy them, though.

A.K. Best covers ‘how’ to do this in his ‘production’ fly tying book.

A few minutes ‘tweaking’ the jaws to plumb, smoothing the face and edges, and setting the tension properly, and mine work just fine.

Now if I could just FIND anything on my bench…

Good Luck!


Buddy…and anyone else that like those style pliers …you might want to consider some like these with the thumb and finger plates…I find them much more comfortable…not real easy to find…


I have the hackle pliers you posted about with the finger/thumb pads and they are really nice. I got tired of the hackle pliers flipping in my fingers when I attempted to open them. You can purchase this type from Orvis. I think they are around $12, but, the quaility is really good and they should last you a lifetime. They are built like the other one in your picture with the finger hole but with gold thumb/finger pads.

You can also solder a penny on either side of them,and you don’t then have to buy them. Cost= about $.50…

I put shrink tubing on mine, and they now work a lot better. they grip the hackle more and don’t cut through it as often. thanks for the tip

Glad it helped WWFF. I know it sure made a difference for me.

Now, if I could learn how to tie flies I could use the hackle pliers.