got my kit last night but was too tired to tie…so i come home after school only to find out that my tying book is missing :roll:
Anyway, I had looked at the flies about a million times so i tryed to tie one from memory. I tied a black woolybugger with a pink tail, it’s hackle sticks in every direction and is way too long but im still proud of it.
o and on a wooly bugger, the hackle CANT be too long lol. the longer it is the more vibration and wiggle and added attraction the fly has!!! its good to vary patterns. thats one of the best parts of flytying!!!
Alex L…great… you might consider that if you are missing your tying book …you can come to FAOL…Fly Of The Week Archives e.g. …and you will find plenty of flies to tie.
my first sly a wooly worm sucked. the more i tie though i get a lot better. can’t wait to see the pics. have fun, and FAOL is the best site there is for patterns. check the fly tying sites post for other sources to.
Alex what ever you do SAVE IT do not use it and see what it looks like years from now. I framed my grand kids first flies and now that there grown up some want them back to burn------ :lol: BILL
nice looking fly alex!!! i too tied my first (and second) flies today. a 16 griffith’s gnat and a 12 olive wooly bugger with a little wire added for weight. i think i’m done for. all my saturdays will be spent at the bench from now on.
Great fly!!! It will catch fish without a doubt. Congratulations. I have as much fun tying as I do fishing. Hope you continue to enjoy tying and fishing. I started tying about 6 years ago and I still love it; only wish I would have started when I was younger.
Great looking fly for the first attempt, for that matter any attempt. The Wooly Buggers you have tied will definintely catch you some fish as long as they are feeding on like aquatic insects / baitfish. It will be a great thrill when you catch your first fish on your first tied fly. I retired mine after that and replaced it immediately, a nice momento to keep
Alex…yep that fly will catch fish. I dont find fish to be too terribly picky about the dimensions on buggers. Which is good because I tie a lot of buggers and don’t get too worked up how pretty they are
Alex…on a bugger it doesn’t make too much difference (personal opinion). When I tie small buggers (12-16) I sometimes strip one side of the feather and this will help the hackle line up in the same direction ( I am kinda lazy at times on buggers about making sure the hackle lines up correctly also). I personally dont worry about it on buggers (on dry flies that is a different story). This is also something that you get better at with practice. You should also check out Al Campbell’s fly tying series here, I have been tying for a few years and frequently go back and read the articles for tips that I may have missed.