Threadmaster Lite/Need Quick Reply

I put a coat of Threadmaster Lite on at 6 PM. How long do I have wait to apply the next coat? Should I wait until tomorrow at this time (24 hours)? I can’t find any literature on it.

Bruce, you can put a second coat on after 6 hours. I usually wait a whole day, but know that it is not necessary. Hope that helps.


Ron: So I can wait until I get home from work around 4 PM tomorrow? Thanks

You can wait for 10 days between coats if you want, just don’t put the second coat on too soon – under 6 hours. Like I said, I usually wait a day. If you have more questions, please don’t assume I’ll be looking at this board. You can always call us – we answer questions all day long!


You can apply additional coats of finish epoxy (two part, not urethanes) once the previous coat is no longer so tacky that the brush or spatula would stick/drag. The exact amount of time is VERY dependent upon the thickness of application, formula used AND temperature in the room.

Without taking special steps, you MUST apply any additional coats within 24-36 hours, give or take, depending on the exact formula AND environmental conditions. The reason is that additional coats have to chemically bond with previous coats or delamination of layers can occur. The safest bet is to apply additional coats in the 6 to 18 hour range, but not more than 24 hours.

IF you don’t apply additional coats before any previous coats reach the point in the curing phase that proper adhesion wouldn’t take place, you MUST prep the existing surface coat. Preparation of the surface coat is done by lighting abrading it to achieve a surface that will allow “gripping” of subsequent layers. This is no different in theory than doing proper preparation for painting of various materials.

TJ -

Thanks All: I put a second thin coat on at 4 PM today. I’m hoping I can wait until I can put a final coat on tomorrow at the same time which will be 24 hours. I understand what you’re saying. I used a finish one time where it indicated a second coat could be applied after 4 hours and it was very tacky and sticky. I didn’t know any better and kept trying to load it on and you probably can figure the outcome. I’m getting better with my building. Experience is the best teacher as we all understand. I appreciate all of your help.