Threadmaster Lite Finish Instructions

Does anyone know where I can find the instructions for using Thread Master Lite? I can’t find the brochure that came with mine.

Here ya go, for both Hi and Lite build. I use the high build stuff myself and love it!


Congratulations! You have just Purchased the finest 2 part Guide Wrap finish on the market! ThreadMaster sets new standard in 2 part polymer thread coatings by using the most advanced chemistry and highest quality raw materials in the industry today.

ThreadMaster provides the RodMaker with the ultimate in long-term water white clarity under even the most intense tropical conditions, and will retain ultimate flexibility even in sub freezing temperatures. In addition ThreadMaster features unequaled leveling qualities, an enhanced cure cycle, as well as superior mixing and application qualities.

ThreadMaster is an extremely user friendly finish, However in order to maximize the performance properties a few simple guidelines should be observed. Please take the time to read through this pamphlet to familiarize yourself with the working and performance properties of ThreadMaster. After using it a few times, we are confident that you?ll agree with the thousands of other Rodbuilders who have already made the switch.

In order to maximize pot-life and working properties, ThreadMaster must be applied in a room maintaining a minimum ambient temperature of 68-70 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, each component (Resin and Hardener) should be between 70 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit prior to mixing and application. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in a thicker viscosity, a much longer cure time, and more importantly increased difficulty in eliminating bubbles.

If the two components have been stored in a room less than 70 degrees simply microwave them for 6-10 seconds or allow them to sit in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes. If the two bottles feel slightly warm to the touch after heating, allow them to cool until the warmth is no longer noticeable.

One of the fantastic qualities of ThreadMaster is what we call an ?Enhanced Cure Cycle?. Simply put, we have maximized the potlife at 25-30min. while minimizing the gel time and cure cycle. Rods only need to be rotated for 1 to 1 1/2 hour to eliminate sagging, and can be re-coated in as little as 4 hours.

Compared to other epoxies, this cuts finish time in half without sacrificing quality or performance.

ThreadMaster utilizes a 1:1 mix ratio. However unlike other popular 2 part polymers that can be somewhat intolerant regarding measuring and mixing error, ThreadMaster allows an 8-10% margin for error. In other words, the days of uncured sticky finishes due to small measuring/mixing errors are pretty much over! We still recommend that you use syringes or stainless steel measuring spoons to accurately measure each component, and mix a minimum of 3cc of each component per batch. Once measured and dispensed into a mixing cup, mix slowly and evenly for 2-3 minutes. During the mixing process slowly rotate the cup to simulate that of a cement mixer. Be sure to gently scrape the sides of the cup to eliminate the possibility of unmixed material in the batch.

Once mixed thoroughly, pour the mixed resin onto a flat surface. I like to use a piece of aluminum foil cleaned with alcohol on my work bench. Allowing the resin to spread out over a large surface area into a thin layer, this will prevent it from prematurely exotherming, which in turn will extend the pot-life the mixed resin.

Application: ThreadMaster may be applied via brush or spatula. Each works equally well.

Post Application:
Once the resin has been applied to the wraps, rotate for 1 to 1 1/2 hour in a 70 degree farenheit or greater room to prevent sagging. Subsequent coats can be applied after 4 hours of curing, and up to 24 hours after application. If subsequent coats are necessary after the finish has cured more than 24 hours, lightly scuff with a grey or maroon scotchbrite pad to creat enough “tooth” for the next coat to adhere properly. Be sure to clean the wraps thoroughly after scuffing to rid the wraps of all microscopic dust that may show through on the second coat.

ThreadMasters unique chemistry is like no other on the market. Our unique formula allows ThreadMaster to all but eliminate the frustrating anomalies so common with the more antiquated technologies.

*Water White Clarityretention under 700 plus hours of intense UV exposure.

*Enhanced Cure Cycle-Maximum pot-life, minimum gel and cure time.

*8-10% margin for measuring/mixing error.

*Mirror like leveling

*Hardener will not turn brown in the bottle.

*Extremely resistant to PolyAmine blush.

*Extremely resistant to crystallization during long-term storage.

*Excellent flow and penetration properties

Also technical data for both high build and low build formulas:

ThreadMaster High Build Technical Info.

Part A Resin Part B Hardener
Viscosity @ 77 Degrees F 2500-2600cps 2800-2900cps
Color Clear Clear
Weight Solids 100% 100%
Volume Solids 100% 100%
V.O.C. Content 0lb./gal. 0lb./gal.

Appication Data
Mix Ratio By Volume Hardener: 1:1
Working Time @ 77 Degrees F: 25 minutes
Tack Free Time @ 77 Degrees F: 4-6 hours
Rotation Time @ 77 Degrees F: 60-90minutes
Recoat Time @ 77 Degrees F: 6 hours min./36 hours max w/o surface prep
Application Temperature Range: 50-90 degrees Fahrenheit

ThreadMaster Lite Technical Info.

Part A Resin Part B Hardener
Viscosity @ 77 Degrees F 500cps 2500-2600cps
Color Clear Clear
Weight Solids 100% 100%
Volume Solids 100% 100%
V.O.C. Content 0lb./gal. 0lb./gal.

Appication Data
Mix Ratio By Volume Hardener: 1:1
Working Time @ 77 Degrees F: 1 Hour
Tack Free Time @ 77 Degrees F: 6-8 hours
Rotation Time @ 77 Degrees F: 4-6 Hours
Recoat Time @ 77 Degrees F: 8 hours min./48 hours max w/o surface prep
Application Temperature Range: 50-90 degrees Fahrenheit

It mixes like flex coat – in a 1:1 ratio. You can also call Anglers Workshop in Washington and they will give you information.

I used Threadmaster lite on my last rod and was very impressed with the result. Time will tell how it holds up.

I even went over the flex coat light I used on another rod because the finish was kind of wavy and uneven. The Thread master smoothed it out and it came out very nice.

I’m sold on this product.

Good luck